Friday, June 7, 2013

Making a choice

Do you really know how much choices average human performs? Thinking is a huge amount of micro choices every minute. You think you are idle when you relax? You don't choose anything? No, in fact you are keep choosing which direction your eyes are watching, what thoughts you are thinking about, should you talk or be silent, should you move your parts of body or you should stay still, should you worry about something or forget all the worries.

But I really wonder what happens when you choose to make a very important choice in your life? It is again too many choices within a one choice.

What happens when we choose nothing? Again, we have chosen even more than we did when we chosen something.

Why all of you keep choosing things? Because you are programmed to do it.
Nothing can stop you. Even death isn't a guarantee that you'll stop choosing and thinking. 

Believe in previous sentence


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