Monday, June 10, 2013

Will all skeuomorphic design elements be removed from iOS 7?

But now that over half a billion devices running Jobs’ and Forstall’s iconic system have been sold, Ive has the immense challenge to make Apple’s software as clean and seamless as his glass and aluminum devices, all while making the software remain simple enough to resonate with customers.
Seems like Apple is going to make significant changes to iOS design. And you know what - I'm totally for it.
I like the simplicity and many features iOS can offer me, but its look haven't changed for a very long time.

I think by talking about significant I don't mean really new look - its just removing some textures and that's it.
I believe that Apple is one of those companies which always had careful approach to balance between new changes and old habits of users, so I don't think that I'll be anyhow frustrated by the decisions for new designs Apple gonna make.

External look of the Apple product was always one of the greatest strength of Apple devices, and I believe by transferring some designing principles from the device's appearance, to the software UI appearance, we'll get more Apple ecosystem friendly operating system.


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