Wednesday, June 12, 2013

iOS 7 release date, features, apps & screenshots

So, iOS 7 its an another big thing which Apple puts to show that its still on the throne for the innovations. In haven't edited the post because it was written almost 30 minutes before WWDC begun, my words was:

Seems like Apple is going to make significant changes to iOS design. And you know what - I'm totally for it.
I like the simplicity and many features iOS can offer me, but its look haven't changed for a very long time.
 Before I said this words nobody knew how much changes they will do in iOS 7, nobody even knew that it will be the 7th version of iOS, but I kinda felt that iOS will be the first subject to change significantly, that's why I've tried to do my best to make a public prediction (does the personal web-site is good place for it?). You can see the timing of that post, since it was posted within blogspot platform, there's no way I could change displayed dates of the post.

 At the time I write this post, my current phone is iPhone 4S, and I am kinda very slow at changing devices, since I've got too many other things to follow, and its totally in my fashion to make arrangements in a time manner:
 - My phone will be totally worthless when iOS 11 will appear, that's why I'll purchase a new phone when that will happen.
 - I don't like the screen of iPad mini, because I don't like the fact that I downgrade to the lower resolutions, that's why I'll purchase it exactly two years later after first iPad mini retina release.

The beta version of iOS 7 is available for the iPhone now, with an iPad version coming in the next few weeks. The final version will come in Autumn, which is just in time for the iPhone 5SiPhone 6iPad 5 and iPad Mini 2.
So approximately I'll purchase my iPad Mini the next summer at Jun 12, 2014.

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