Friday, June 14, 2013

Blogger's city. Causes for articles

specify tags only by their causes classification - this is not a classification - main purpose of this labels is to provide more causes themselves for writing posts.
#country - economical comparison of taxes, economical conditions of life in countries, crime rates, convenience indicators
#journal - journal posts
#happen - In this heading I'll be posting about what happened. Eleven from now will be synonym of words: happen, success. Each post will have meaning "Success Happened", where I'll describe big and small events which I could consider as a success or as a thing which happened in a way I was needed it to happen.
#238 - Year ago this number very occasionally became part of my phone number, I liked it, without knowing why and started to use it in passwords, quantities and everywhere I could. A while ago I found the reason why I probably subconsciously chosen this number, its because it representing my current age, which is 23, and 8 representing eternity. Also if you'll take the whole number, then 238 it is the quantity of years I crave to live.
#iPhone8S - introducing new iPhone. This blog category will be ended when iPhone 8S will appear
#past - deriving from past. Describing artifacts found in my old notes, thoughts, etc
#earlfox - posts concerning managing this web-site content


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