Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tuesday June 11

I love digit 11

I like June
I like that I watched the developer conference yesterday from Apple. They introduced iOS 7, I'm really cried from happiness

I'm using the trains to get to the city for 50 km away from my house. I'm going to the village n
 because it's the place where I potentially could live at my old ages.

Today morning ride at 11 o'clock I went to office and rented by my friends where they plan to do some business (Computer related)

I like the girls but I hate seeing their faces every day in transport on my job it's huge temptation.

My friend Edward ask me to work faster because I'm not making in time with his website for company

At the same time I'm trying to call as much customers as possible by working under my Wi-Fi hotspots project.

Last three days I stick too many classifieds and advertising for my secret Wi-Fi hotspots project

At the end of the day I return on the train again I have to walk 15 minutes from the station and I feel so tired

Okay that was written by Siri dictation engine on my iPhone on the go, that's why it looks weird.
This post belongs to the number 11 because it was written on 11th day. I wrote it without purpose of assigning it to this day, I just went back to history of blog posts and found it. Here's the reason I'm assigning numbers to my blog posts: http://www.earlfox.com/2013/06/bloggers-city-causes-for-articles.html


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