Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Interview with myself. Earl Fox answers questions which he would ask the others if he would have a chance.

How much you spend for transportation per month in U.S. Dollars?


  What is the 3 biggest problems of your city?
* Dishonest residential management companies
* Bureaucracy for any activity related with taxes & business
* Slow service. I believe that in our city to receive a service you have to wait a longer time than in the other cities, and I think its not the problem of employees - its the problem of managers/entrepreneurs who pays too low attention for organizing logistics on a customer level.

Tell me the story about the most unsuccessful man you've ever met in your entire life.
Funny - the more I know a person, the more he becomes associated with failures in my mind. That's why I won't touch my relatives & friends and will use someone else: it was the friend of my father, who killed a little kitten in front of me, according to his excuses, he didn't let those kitten live because "it will struggle anyway". Now this person end up his life with suicide. I socialized with him a lot when I was 9 years old and his character is 100% reminds me Anthony Padilla from Smosh, he even looked like him & had the same attitude. I would never thought that he would have any reason to kill himself.

Many people know that taking drugs, smoking & drinking is bad, because society warns about it very often. What is according to you the most uncommon mistake people can do in their life which they may not be aware of? Tell me more about the type of mistake which you would warn people from doing it?
I would warn people about thinking before saying things. I'm talking about mostly little criticism, maybe even hidden criticism, especially if you're dealing with emotional people (you never know who's more emotional by the way) - as up to me - I too much worry about every word person says about me, especially if its the person is someone whom I consider successful.

What is unique thing about your life?
Maybe my refusal to believe that we've got total freedom & doubt that our government and other commercial structures doing its best to provide us freedom. Also it is faith that in future we can create second America (maybe in the other place, e.g. in Space or other planet) where we will show everyone, what's the real freedom & efficiency is.

What is the most successful business idea you've ever accomplished in your life.
My experience as a teenager with ISP services. (Providing Internet access through Ethernet lines)

What is the thing you hate the most?
I hate when little things ruining my day. Probably the most annoying thing for me now is a transportation systems - anything related to buses, cars or even trains - non of them works perfect for me and that's make me hate using it.

What is your most favorite YouTube channels?
Here's few the most favorite: Apple, ERB, DNews, Vsauce, hiimrawn

What is your biggest dreams ever?
Artificial Intelligence :( & long living happy family


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