Saturday, August 3, 2013

What exactly Vladimir Putin said about Snowden?

On the press conference about oil and gas Putin was asked about the Snowden.

He began with statement that "Nobody extradite us anyone ever", and that's why he doesn't feels like obligated to extradite Snowden to U.S.! Yeah maybe Snowden is like a criminal to Russia, but according to the words of Russian president, there's no agreement between U.S. and Russia about extradition.

In the best cases as he said we exchanged our employees, but we don't have an agreement about criminals extradition. Putin said that in this case Snowden isn't our/U.S. agent, and that he's responsibly can tell that Snowden doesn't cooperate with Russian governments.

Putin continues by saying that he could even stay in Russia, but only with ONE CONDITION:
"If he will STOP bringing harm to our American partners, doesn't matter how weird to hear it from me"

Haha - yeah hearing this from the mouth of Putin is really funny - like he's protecting the interests of the United States. Poor Obama, had to bring excuses and explain U.S. position, and it brought so much embarassment.

After saying those phrase about American partners Putin also mentioned that according to his information Snowden aren't going to stop his activism, that's why he should choose the other country.

What? wait! Putin, you've already said that he "could even stay in Russia"!

Does it means that we kinda have a verbal agreement here with Snowden - that well yeah you kinda can stay in Russia, but only if you stay quietly, right? Okay, maybe that's why they (Russian migration services) provided him only yearly passport, which he could replace every year - its because the year Putin will decide that Snowden creates too much hassle to the United States, then the next passport just won't be provided and he will must leave the country.

Wow. I never knew that law could be so much flexible!


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