Saturday, August 10, 2013

Message in front of a Alzheimer's patient's room.

When I was 18, I joined an English class at my college that sends you to the Veteran's hospital to deal with Dementia patients. The first thing they taught us was "always go with the flow". And I immediately understood what that meant, when my patient told me "duck down soldier!! Do you want to be killed by the Germans??!" I automatically ducked. Ofcourse at 18 a part of me wanted to laugh; here I am a female, minority.. how the hell does he see me as a Canadian soldier of WW2? But I "went with the flow" and acquired the best first hand knowledge, along with the best lesson on compassion. 10 years later I'm using the same techniques on my grandmother who forgot she lost her home in Palestine and insists on going back in time to before 1948. I taught my family "stop telling her she can't go back. She doesn't understand Middle Eastern politics at this point. Just tell her she is home". It's tough, but it's tougher on them.

I wish I had known better when my mother was alive, all those times I could have spent with her instead of thinking that it did not really matter since she did not know any better...That she needed to adjust to her situation without me roaming around to all of you dealing with a loved one with Alzheimer, be patient, be there. Wishing you peace of mind.