Thursday, August 8, 2013

Christmas letter 2010

Merry Christmas! It’s been another joyful and productive year here in the Terrill household. Here’s what’s new!

Haley cured several tropical diseases, founded a non-profit organization for the widows of lepers, and in her spare time, wrote five Pulitzer-winning novels. She was considered briefly for the Nobel Peace Prize, but not even Haley is any match for Barack Obama!!*

Never one to be outdone by her big sister, Roseanne spent the year in silence in a Tibetan monastery. After achieving a near-perfect state of nirvana, she descended the mountain astride a white tiger and was hailed by the villagers as an incarnation of a minor Buddhist goddess. Back home again, she remains stalwart in her humility.**

Scott and I have had a quiet year between our home here in Rock Island and the Bavarian castle we maintain in Europe. Scott Placed highly in several prominent bike races while I keep a steady stream of income with my hand modeling. Vacations to our private island in Polynesia and the chateau in Monaco were low key. Next year, we’re going to outer space.***

That’s about it for our family!! Sorry there’s nothing more exciting to report. We wish you luck and good health in 2010!!!


Scott, Jackie, Haley, and Roseanne

*Not all achievements listed in Haley’s paragraph are factually accurate. Actual activities have included living like a nomad in four different states, which is a personal record, as well as being unemployed for a full third of the year. Haley is enrolled in community college for 2010, so we’re clinging desperately to the single thread of hope that is all we have left for her future.

**While Roseanne IS our better daughter, she did not actually go to Tibet in 2009. She did get straight A’s in college and helped us to paint the house over the summer. She waitresses at Harris Pizza and promises a free pie to anyone who brings this letter in to her restaurant (but not really). 

***Scott and Jackie took a lot of vacations in 2009, but still haven’t bought that flat in Monaco. Jackie spent a Sisters’ Week in St. Augustine with her sisters, and Jackie and Scott made the pilgrimage to South Bend, IN for their first Notre Dame game. Scott turned 50, bought a Corvette, and took a mistress (okay, only the first part is true.) They had a good year. They aren’t going to outer space.


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