Sunday, September 29, 2013

What kind of functions sleeping & dreaming provide?

There's few parts of you which may require sleeping: brain & body. Your body needs sleep, because physically it needs the ways relax to longer than you can afford yourself relaxing during the day. Plus mechanisms employed during the sleeping can help them relax the way you would never relax yourself by your own efforts.

Your brain needs sleep, because the neurons needs rebooting. During the day brain exploits different maps of neurons depending on the way of thinking you choose and depending on the activities you perform during the day. For average human there's a hundred maps available within neuron networks. During the day you choose around 3 to 7 of them to apply to your situations during the day. The fact that you're not using hundreds of other maps at the moment is cruicial: you know the rule - if you don't use the information in your brain, it gets restructurized or worse: it gets deleted totally. That's why sleep is important - here comes another God's invention called "dreaming".

This picture aren't representing the truth: the longest part of the neuron is axon which is so long that it wouldn't be possible to take a picture on nano-camera or to represent it within the range of reasonable even imaginable picture.

Dreaming exploits the most important parts of neurons - the essential ones. Brain can't delete the information without your permission. What is a permission? It is your psychological comfort - in other words brain always cares about your psychics: it deletes the information which may harm your perception, and it restores the information loosing which also may harm your ability to perceive world quietly (without psychological breakthroughs). Dreams helping brain to find those connections between your psychology & between existing connections. That's why its so useful to remember your emotions - because they're helping in exploiting your brain more efficiently during the nights.

While brain keeps performing its emotional maintenance functions during the night, it should maintain the whole rebooting process, that's where sleeping mode for neurons brought to action. When you're dreaming you may find out that the dreams which you see during the sleep showing you details of memories which you would never remind yourself consciously. Also during the sleep you find out that your memories are organized the way you would never organize it that way - they has logical order, there's even more logic than sometimes you may think about your conscious analysis.

When you dream two particular things happen to your neuron network maps:
1. Neuron networks keeps doing background restructurizing processes which also takes time
2. As part of restructuizing process your neurons are killing old processes. Humans has tendency to get obsessed with things they do. Of course it may be important to analyze important things over and over again, but brain also must keep doing its job: architect of brain understood, that without switching activities, you won't get the maximum potential of your brain - because when you learn two similar subjects, you starting to compare them, and that's beginning of the process where brains are best: in connection/junction points perfection. That's the analytics machine which looks like boiling room - you put a lots of things in your huge pot of soup, then you try its taste and learn to prepare more and more dishes within your capabilities.

What is subconsciousness
People get used to think about subconsciousness as about incredible valve where you can store whatever you want. Its not true. I do believe in limited brain structure about past. Power of brains are logical & mathematically explainable powers. E.g. when you're trying to remember some event which you already forgot, here comes mathematics when brain is trying to compare outputs from its neurons in order to understand whether some things are true and some things are lie.

While if you would had the access to your subconsciousness it would give you access to huge range of information, its still doesn't guarantee you that you'll remember everything you want. Brain experts use the world "subconsciousness" only to describe the background processes happening during thinking process. The background processes are important: they are the ones which make possible thinking itself: even the thinking itself are background process, because when you recognize someone's face - you don't understand how does it happened, you just understand that here's two faces and you can compare them - without knowing how you do it.

Saturday, September 28, 2013


  1. Creating Value for Wrong Types of Rental Property. The rooms without shower & washing machine could be rented for re-renting with the Shower and with Washing Machine.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Some huge things, in which the Bitcoin will revolutionize the world'seconomy today

Since the childhood I loved using WebMoney, because it was first electronic payment system, and I was really excited to earn money in such an awesome papercash-free way. As I suppose nothing changed since then except for discovering Bitcoin! I remember myself exactly 13 years ago (in 2000) I totally had that idea of creating such a payment system which won't required any centralized means, because that would be the most honest thing that was ever created in the world - how correct was I at that moment! I would easily dedicate my whole life since then for creating, but I barely had belief that such algorhythm could be potentially created. I suppose that was the only point where I was wrong - such algorythm can be created and it exist today! Its a Bitcoin! And there's no doubt in superiority of this new type of financial value!

  1. Low Fee International Fund Transfers. Replacing Western Union | other wire transfers. In past when you needed to send money abroad to someone, you almost inevitably paid fee around 10 to 15% (not less). Bitcoins solve this problem, since in this case you most likely gonna have less than 1% of fee (maybe even 0% in some cases).
  2. New Generation of Startups, Internet Projects, Fund-raisers, financial institutions. That's the new world of finances where new people will gain power. Those are not only IT experts - they are the ones who's first understood the benefits of Bitcoin's independence.
  3. New escrow services for things like apartment rent, etc. 
  4. More automated vending machines. 
  5. Making privately owned services publicly owned and cheaper
  6. Revolution in the mobile networks. Mobile networks which is commercially monopolized now by current mobile carriers. In future every individual will have opportunity to set up his own base station to start participating in publicly owned services. 
  7. Revolution in the optical fiber ownership. If the governments regulate the whole infrastructure of licenses for whoever is leading in fiber optics industry, in future such investments will be crowd funded and publicly owned!
  8. Unlicensing the whole industries! Such as pharma, food industries. Making the whole nation healthier
  9. Making the street advertising available to everyone
  10. Setting the manufacturing most of the technologies closer to people

Significant to come:
  1. PayPal and other world payment systems integrates Bitcoin

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Failures about failure search

  • I'm dedicating too much time to explain difficult sentences. I have a difficulty in being short which is really important.
  • It would be way better to have only one purpose for writing down your failures: is finding out the solution. Probably if you would only mention the solution, there would be no need in writing about the problem itself, because the solution would mean the same thing to me when I get back to read my posts. Its the cleaner way of memorizing and analyzing own mistakes. By providing a notes in a shorter, qualitative way, the reading will be easier.

Job search efficiency

I would again recommend you to not procrastinate about getting a job with real pay out, and take the steps necessary to improve yourself in job search efficiency.
if you not have one yet
And I will also remind you that job search is all about numbers: the Quality and Quantity
Quality is where you work under CV, cover letters, etc
and Quantity is the QUANTITY of CVs sent to potential employers
use the next rule: plan how much resumes you can really send during the day (for example 50)
then apply the 10x rule, and multiply it 10 times which will give you the number of resumes you will need to send is 500
then control the quantity of interviews
they assign you
if you've got too small quantity of interviews, then there is a problem with resumes sent
if you are visiting less than 4-6 interviews during the day, it means that you're totally losing something out in life: in this case you need to make it happen, you need to make the process more efficient
main words here are: your efficiency, and your results
if you can measure your results, then you can measure your efficiency.
Being highly unhappy about results is okay as long as it leads to productive actions.
also many people don't understand the math around jobs that the more job interviews they will visit, the better job they will choose!
you must know that there's no mistery about the jobs at all: every job also measurable
I mean those experience which you get during the job search has pretty huge % among the other qualities you have, sometimes its even more important than actually having a skills to work on the proper job
also the right estimating of your chances for a job is very important

My failures: What is my computer skills

I am the one who studied the operating systems deeply, and the one who always tried to figure out, why the problem isn't working. It seems like deep knowledge of operating systems would only help me on regular daily business basis, but it doesn't. Here's the internal problems I faced while I tried again to fix the laptop with Windows 7 for someone:

  • Absence of resources: 
    • without external HDD there was no way to save customer's data
    • without an external hotplug SATA HDD connector there was no way to do it even quicker by plugging laptop's hard drive into it
    • it wouldn't be possible to install an OS on that laptop without the portable usb DVD/CD drive since this laptop hasn't accepted the usb sticks as bootable
    • Absence of empty DVD-R's to record an Windows 7 operating system on them.
    • Absence of ready to use Windows 7 installation DVD-R - absence of which would be close to worst possible scenario in time management
  • Absence of organizational skills:
    • Installing an operating systems for someone else requires some dedication - you can't just leave an operating system alone on some process - each processes must be controlled. I believe even in the physical world if you will hand the processes to someone else without control its not really guaranteed that things will meet deadlines. So lesson learned here is keeping a laptop close to me so that screen was always before my eyes and if something else goes wrong I should see it immediately to respond in a quickest possible way
    • Installing an operating system could be a long process, especially when customer brings his computer because it didn't worked well for him. Today people bring their computers to customer services, because something is really broken in terms of software.
    • Setting a deadline shorter than you really have time: approximately 10 times shorter - You should remember that if you're installing an operating system, the problem might occur in the installation middle after an hour of the process, so its better to make sure that you have enough time even for waiting 10 windows installation setups in case if every of 10 times would be failure.
  • Customer's who's too much hurrying up with their laptops must pay fee for urgency, that's because you must always know how much you're getting in case of there's will be a problem with a deadline.
    • DON'T PREDICT. In the computer repairs its impossible to predict how much time will be spent on a particular repair service - this contradicts the quality itself, since any professional individual must count work as done, when it done qualitatively.
  • Having full repair set to possibly fix everything you'll get on a way to successful laptops repairment
  • Refusing from URGENT customers
  • Setting shorter deadlines during work
  • Providing full attention when the software installation process requires
  • Not taking work for a night - you must sleep at nights. Always plan your schedule the way you will do the job during the daytime.
  • And the main solution and failure are that I managed to get to the level where I'm performing this computer fix job myself, except for doing my main managerial job which is about doing something repetitive by discipline in order to achieve necessary wholesale volumes of sales.
  • agent volumes pecifix
  • my best [tested] disruptive factors is YouTube, facebook, blogger. Least disruptive factors is Amazon Kindle

Let's talk about life balance

Ada Musina
For the past month I kinda liked the fact that you have never changed your mind about money and business and you are great example for me. So, I've been thinking about money way to much. But I got less money than ever. I really want you to see my point and may be think about this. I can't tell if you have this or not. But I'm sure, nobody wants to live just for money. And concentrate only on money, that is stupid waist of life. I'm sure you're agree! I think that we want money to be happier and more confident people. I think that for me, money is big part of my life, but it can not make me happy. Happiness comes from many parts of our life. Money can buy me stuff, but can't buy me brother or sister. So I think I shall do more in my life than just making money.

Many people are trying to represent life balance as a wheel, where reducing some important parts of life can affect on the form of the wheel and make it not circle and harder to ride. But I think that the most convenient way to represent life balance as an organism's organs, where family is your soul/eyes or ears or something which can bring you reason to live. Where money is a brain and blood because from its right quantity (as in blood), right functioning depends how the other organs gonna live. And probably your health, which mostly responsible for your total mood, so I would say that health is the mouth, tongue and your stomach because without this organs properly functioning there is a probably a very slight chance that you can properly eat and digest food which can bring you starvation. So doing the right things for the health is almost like eating everyday

I think the organs are best to describe every life strategy, e.g. for good business plan its an economical components, while for own personal strategy it is the other values.

At the current time I'm holding in mind these three values which helps me to move where I'm heading:

  • results (in any activity which I choose results should be achieved anyway, otherwise there's no need in having those activity)
    • health
    • money
    • Order. This is for dedicating time for bringing in order everything starting from my personal space, ending with prioritizing and planning. This time expenditure should be done as fast as possible, since this is one of those things which can't be immediately followed by results.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Money is not important

This phrase was said by my last girl I had a relationship with, who accused me that I'm too much absorbed in a job, that was her last words of disappointment in me.

It meant for me only one thing: she showed me that I'm too much obsessed with my business that I'm even ready to sacrifice family for making it successful: in form of such resources as money, and time. But I'm not considering it as a sacrifice most of the time. I see it as an investment. When I invest time, there's no such saving account which could be spent later.

By investing time you mostly gathering these most important three assets:
* Skills, knowledge, static information and everything brain-related. You doing a mistakes which leads to useless time waste which also teaches you in some way - but mistakes isn't necessity, its just a tool.
* Right connections (mostly it is the people you work with who also can have great or poor abilities to study, but the process is going anyway)
* Money. If you managed to save money that's becoming a valuable asset.

At the current moment I don't understand how I can think in other way? I know family deserves and requires receiving attention and money in the first place. But I can't imagine how I can handle that.

I know where such family feelings comes from. It comes from understanding that if nobody depends from you, then probably there's no reason they will help you in future. Plus the absense of relationship is the core reason of regret for many people in the middle age.

I've read a book yesterday on Amazon that currently society are rearranging in the way where going solo is okay. I'm deeply thinking about this thought. Can I live alone? Maybe that's the way I can live in future? I will die anyway, why should I waste my time and resources for a life which I probably won't like at all?
Also I should ask person who brings to home only money, and compare it to the man who brings to home only its own time.

Also read:

Saturday, September 14, 2013

There's NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING more valuable than time!

Maybe you think that you got a lots of time in store, but it is not so.
Lost hours are destroying your life as in youth, the same way closer to the end. Only at the end you feel it sharper and understand it clearer.

Those people who are spending their time on business are investing it. That's why the time, the same way as money, could be used as the most valuable resource, which if spent correctly could set you closer to your most important life goals. Wrong time usage will put you away from the goals.

You can save your money. But you can't save your time for future.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

You can't get a raise if you don't have a job?

If one doesn't get enough of a wage to live, they than become eligible for assistance, giving what most followers of this page a reason to complain. It's common sense that if minimum wage is forty percent below the poverty level.... It WILL only allow you to live in poverty. If the corporations can afford to pay a 400% difference to their CEO's and they can't afford to pay their backbone employee's at least 15.00 an hour... This is the problem with our society, people are dumb enough to buy into the left and right saga...

Silly me thought it had something to do with the housing bubble bursting and an unregulated wall st crippling the economy. I think a lot of people make a mistake of saying "This ONE thing is what's caused this big problem!" It certainly contributed, but life is never quite as simple in the real world as it is in theory.

Minimum wage is something business owners must pay their employees. Business owners themselves only make so much money. If the minimum wage rises too much (which is very easy to do), business owners are forced to cut down on how many employees they have, because they simply can not afford as many as they actually need.
But also, yeah, it's not the number one cause of unemployment, and nothing is quite as simple as everyone makes it out to be.
Jackson Kerr

Every time the minimum wage is increased, the prices of everything go up. Check it out for yourself. And those at the bottom of the wage earning class have to pay the piper. Unions started it, and it was good at the beginning, then everyone got greedy, and wanted more, but do you see anyone having a better life because of the wage increases? No, because they are paying more for the products they buy, right?

Some entry level jobs are only economically worth minimum wage. To force businesses to pay more only increases costs to consumers, which either harms the economy, or the business (in fewer sales). If a hamburger starts pushing $8, people will stop buying them. And most, but I agree not all, people move up the ladder, only getting minimum wage for a small amount of time. High school and college students looking for part time jobs will never get them if they are priced out of the market. Eventually many of these jobs would be outsourced (some already are as drive thrus at some fast food places are handled by call centers in India) or automated, thus making entry jobs disappear, and harming most those who need them.