Saturday, June 21, 2014

Bitcoin making us one step closer to Artificial Intelligence.

In a sense that it is autonomous and decides the fates of the millions (billions in a nearest future and trillions a 1000 years from now). Do you remember such topics that with proper A.I. technologies development we will have such smart self-driving cars, which would deliver us home? Bitcoin delivers you with not less significant A.I. solution with self-sustainable money.

You may heard of strong A.I. and weak A.I. too. Strong A.I. is an A.I. which can behave like a human - it is also called a full A.I. which mean that a program can think and solve problems the same way human does.

Weak or Narrow A.I. is the use of software to study or accomplish specific problem solving or reasoning tasks, according to Wikipedia. So Bitcoin is almost narrow A.I., because it solves the biggest problem of humanity ever known: TRUST.

Humanity always needed a medium of exchange, and they needed that solution. But without computers and Internet it was hard to provide such solution geographically.

When I talk about Bitcoin even to people in IT, sometimes they don't understand the word "decentralized". For me "decentralized" also means "autonomous" and autonomous is a marvelous quality. The beauty of Bitcoin's architecture is in its autonomous nature: no one is required to decide what's going on with your payments. The system wonderfully grants access for those who can own inputs (inputs is your Bitcoins - a limited pieces of which recorded in a public registry called blockchain protected by the cryptography). Once system grants you such an access, you can't lose it (if you intentionally won't lose your password), and only you have the rights to reassign the ownership for somebody else.

The fact that Bitcoin is Autonomous means that it makes some decisions for us. And those decisions are always correct. Bitcoin can't make a mistake or it can't be unfair, because machines never make mistakes, especially in cryptography. Autonomous means also that you don't have to deal with people in order to solve many of the problems, software solve those problems for you automatically.

Bitcoin's autonomy is possible because every time you interact with Bitcoin, you are dealing with internal components of the Bitcoin - and every coin never leaves the systems, and system knows every coin and no coins are inserted without knowledge of the system - Bitcoin is so smart, because it knows each of its customers, and because it knows to whom it should be thankful (the miners) for its existence, for the job done to overcome another hard obstacle, to drag out of the hay another block without which the whole system would lose all of its customers, because no blocks means no movement inside the system. We trust those components and cryptography algorithms behind them, because we can see and check its code (which is 100% open source), and that means that if you're a programmer you can even feel the autonomous system inside.

That's why I can claim Bitcoin to be the most significant step to Artificial Intelligence in this century.


  1. Strong A.I. or AI complete is a distant dream and may take 15 to 20 more years. And its very interesting to know that Bitcoin is an AI system.

  2. I think that strong AI or stuff may take even way longer than 15 to 20, inspite our wish to implement it faster, we are too weak in terms of technological advance, and too small amount of people on the earth is involved in math-related scientific questions or in other science-aspects of A.I. let's say there's just no people (or no HR/ no brains) to build A.I. But there's plenty of resources available to do that.

    But mentioned by you terms 15 to 20 are pretty perfect to fit full-grown mature Bitcoin's development. That's how much approximately will take for Bitcoin to transform society. And that's what exactly different among those prices $600 (current one) and $510,000,000 the one to expect per BTC in future.
