Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Apple Scenario

Few possible scenarios:

1) Better (unlikely) outcome. Apple adopts Bitcoin. And everybody is much happier than before. Revolution happens instantly in this case! Every Bitcoin project gets escalated immediately! All of your Bitcoin savings grow at unstoppable rate. Your Bitcoin blogs are blowing from viewers. That's financial tsunami.
Because all the iPhone owners immediately burn their fiat money (by exchanging it into Bitcoin).

2) The Worst. Apple is working under its own fork. Some iCoin. iMoney. Or AppleCoin.
This could be new era for digital currencies. If they are really doing something like this, it could be bad news for existing Bitcoin userbase, because many will reject such innovation despite all the proprietary handy features presented by the company. But on the other hand you are getting lots of stuff like NFC open key sharing, AirDrop open key sharing, cryptocurrency lawsuits with government - finally someone huge like Apple is going to win lawsuits against little brother government, by acting as a digital government.
Imagine digital currency which can be used for payments inside App Store. Yeah, and when your iPhone is connected to the dock, you're getting extra cash for mining iCoins. Also they are becoming a bomb by backing up support for services like iTrade where you can trade your iCoins for Bitcoins.

And if Apple will do so, we will have one more news - since Google associates itself with Open Source world (because of Android being Open Source), I suppose Google will take development of Bitcoin to the next level opposed to iCoin. This story seems like I've already heard it somewhere. And this I suppose is what we going to get through - Apple Fork against Google Bitcoin. That's how it sounds.
On the one hand we are having two giants competing with each other, on the other hand it doesn't matter whether it will be a fork for Apple or not, because this will finally mean accepting blockchain based technology inside such a huge corporation, and I suppose the price of iCoin will grow like 150 bitcoins after first three months. If Apple accepts the technology like Bitcoin, it will mean new era for another reason - inside the Apple, the employees will receive the salary in AppleCoins. Users will process their payments using built in Wallet.

I propose we start a new decentralised crypto-currency called 'Apple Cash' and eat apple from the inside out. This iMoney idea is EXACTLY what's wrong with apple (in a nutshell). It basically demonstrates the same thing that their appropriation of the .me domain did, and their copyright on anything that starts with a lower-case I does.

It's the same game that companies who're patenting genes are playing: they're basically trying to legalise their ownership of what is essentially public domain property i.e. You, your body, your identity, and now your money, your debts, your personal information and just like .me failed iMoney will fail too.

What these guys apparently don't understand is that money is a public trust, a property that is collectively owned and which loses it's trust, and consequently it's underlying value if any one party has more than a 51% controlling stake, so if they're lauching iMoney to make a profit, it's highly likely to fail. It's certainly no competitor to bitcoin as any currency that is privately issued and controlled, or manipulated by a central authority is not even remotely close to our ideal.

Support Apple Cash: the open source alternative to Tim Cook's greed.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Bitcoin - Three-Dimensional Money

In our country everybody pays the rent using fiat. That is A very sad fact. There's nothing wrong with using fiat. But when I give my fiat it disappears. When I don't give my fiat, it is also disappears, because it gets stolen or it gets rotten, wasted, wet. NOthink about this. Yet you have these dollaRS which you give for rent, then if those who accepted your fiat currency - they are keep forgetting about it immediately, and that can cause your money to disappear, because NOrecords kept about fiat money - when you give it, its done. Done Forever. No Proof. Poof. Nothing Left.

ADN THat's HWat IS really annoyign about using fiat.

Bitcoin’s Blockchain is the Future

The Bitcoin blockchain is where the real breakthrough lies, and without the blockchain Bitcoin would not be possible.  Before Bitcoin, other systems had attempted to create a truly decentralized platform, and there are examples of success, such as peer-to-peer file sharing clients.  However, none of the previous networks created the possibilities that Bitcoin’s blockchain has.  By using a blockchain, or the underlying ideas behind it, it should be possible to create entire corporations that only exist in a digital, decentralized form.  In fact, it is certainly possible, because that is, effectively, what Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are.  The currency is nothing more than stock in the “corporation” that is controlled by the network.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Tips for selling computers successfully

  • Searching ways to save on components
  • Using best possible cases, I'm using cardon for the cases I can't close
  • Tending to purchase wholesale stuff
  • Searching manufacturers from China with cheap delivery
  • Supply channels from Default City

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Privacy monitoring measures for office rent in India

  • Keeping separate place for eating, and other suspected/smelly stuff is a highest priority (such space must at the end of the room (the most distant point from entry - it must be far away from the main entry door).
  • Keep an eye for your own hygiene especially for deodorants usage especially at the summer time and the other seasons too.
  • Its better to keep those doors privately closed, because if neighbors know what's happening inside, they have reasons to use any information they know for complaining (the order, the smell, the wrong people, the seriousness of the organization, the other mistakes you can make in office space which needs to be planned like mopping the floors and keeping everything clean)
  • Its always useful, no - even must to have surveillance camera outside the doors. You can install simple hidden web-cam with the oldest computer you have to control the situation outside without leaving the building.
  • Better know whom with you are communicating when you're socializing with the other owners - you shouldn't allow them to be close enough to you, because this makes you vulnerable for gossips. The networking effect. Make sure you protect your privacy twice enough (like wearing the best suits, having the best smell, best reputation of a legal business).
  • Always remind everyone, that you're not the one who's in charge. Keeping yourself not in "main" position is being far away from many problems: authentication problems (anonimity), responsibility problems.
  • Relocate all smell causing activities to the deepest part of the office. Change your own permanent seat place into deepest part of the office, because you're as the owner the one who's spending there the most of your time.
  • Don't grudge money for these elementary stuff - its very important to always use deodorant for mopping floors, and for yourself of course :)
  • Keep doors ALWAYS closed, especially when the owner of the building comes - because if he comes too often, the chances that he will leave about you the wrong impression is higher, especially if you work in a pressurized highly-intensive conditions when you don't have time for keeping everything clean and expensive.
    • Make sure internal non-client-oriented non-essential employees (system personnel) warned about the danger of bad smells and closed doors policy
    • This also helps protecting yourself from potential enemies too who's very often can hang close by your office doors. The ideal (but expensive would be putting the cameras everywhere at the most essential points, especially at the streets, but that's very expensive adventure). That's why you need 16/32 port camera video-registrar so much cameras needed not only for the inside, but for the outside too! This is very awesome and useful stuff! While its time-consuming too. Plus hard-drive better to be highly encrypted & only for your usage - such types of encryption is provided not by all registrars, but some Linux-emergency mechanism for copying, encrypting then destroying must be deployed I suppose anyway (so that these video information couldn't be used against you)
  • When someone in charge comes - remember 1 thing. That you must be prepared for it 1000% in terms of hygiene.
  • Air condition must be a high priority purchase. This is A vitally important.
  • In our case the evenings are less visited hours for the management - so more freedom allowed concerning open doors.
    • in our case is the safest 
  • Having camera next to door of the management is important for keeping an eye on their presence.
    • Install AMCS with button inside and cards outside. Client-oriented cards must be restricted by hours / special button/trigger/secret key restriction/bitcoin ban hammer.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Few nature patterns that is followed by Bitcoin

Bitcoin is our mother Earth

  1. Because nobody can increase the amount of LANDS for Sales.
  2. Only government can sell this lands and our government is a mathematical algorithm and not some imperfect corruptable governments who's assigning the lands right now
  3. Because purchasing 1 BTC in 2014 is the same like purchasing New York's earth
    1. Non-believers keep telling that those lands won't be worth anything in 2025, but all I can say from myself that exactly in 2025 will be the same like you've purchased parts of New York lands back 200 years ago for few cents.

Bitcoin is in our DNA

  1. Because each user functions like a cell in the system. You can't destroy the body, without killing it. And even if you killed the body, you still got 6 billions of such bodies living on our Earth and replicating.
  2. Each cell contains enough information inside to restore the whole body! (E.g. you can clone people even if you have only 1 cell left from that person)
  3. Bitcoin also sometimes has cancer - this can happens when blocks get invalidated, but cancer for Bitcoin isn't so dangerous as the human cancer, because Bitcoin immediately destroys infected fork and all transactions become unconfirmed again and they will be used in the next block!

Bitcoin is unstoppable force of nature
Bitcoin ... is more like a VIRUS!

  1. And this is even doesn't contradicts with Bitcoin is in our DNA statement, because:
  2. Because VIRUSES also have DNA.
  3. And that's why VIRUSES has no CANCERS! A virus doesn't get cancer because a cancer is what happens when some of the cells in a multicellular organism replicate uncontrollably. Viruses don't have cells and can't even replicate on their own; they kill their host to reproduce.
  4. Also we can call the process of block destruction a mutation when cancer happens on Bitcoin network


  1. The virus is everywhere. It is installed voluntarily by every user who wish accept or send Bitcoins
  2. There's no efficient vaccine found for this types of viruses yet. Wanna try some BitLicense?! Useless try Ben Lawsky!
  3. If you try to destroy the virus, what you get? Correct! You get a mutation and a stronger virus!
  4. But even if it seems like you're winning in fight for this type of virus, you're losing anyway, because you have restricted amount of ages - the virus got eternity to get trained, and even if you kill 99% of the our virus, there's still those 1% which is holding full blockchain (or full DNA which can be copied into unlimited amounts)!

Why should people work at all if they can run an algorithm that creates money?

Computer can't generate money. There always will be only fixed amount of Bitcoins, speaking mathematically - there's 13,000,000 Bitcoins right now, 20,000,000 absolutely precisely will be in 2025. It means that from 2014 to 2025 there will be emission of exact 7 million of Bitcoins. After that from 2025 to 2140 there will be only 280 bitcoins paid daily (compare with 3600 bitcoins daily paid today)

Satoshi Nakamoto/or group behind him could easily make all Bitcoins to be mined for 100 years slowly, very slowly, but I think he predicted that 10-15 years of slow emission is enough - it is not even slow - 15 years for emission of such huge currency is pretty huge.

For PR I wish Satoshi Nakamoto don't reward miners after 2014, because new users very often start their introduction to Bitcoin from mining - and for most people mining sounds like free Bitcoins, while its not free Bitcoins - the whole Bitcoin protocol designed the way to have restricted amount of money.

You can consider restricted nature of Bitcoin as blessing, nature shows the same pattern: we have only 1 earth, and lands is restricted and also being sold. Bitcoin is easily compared with lands, because purchasing 1 BTC today is the same like purchasing the whole New York territory 200 years ago. But funny thing about Bitcoin - you won't have to wait 200 years - the Bitcoin users will settle in that lands within next 5-10(maximum) years. They're already settling. The less users, more land, more users the less land.

Mining is the process which is like discovering new lands - you can discover only those lands where is no ocean, and every day ocean dry by opening 3600 miles of the land to be explored. And since there's too much miners - there's an army who's claiming their rights for the lands immediately after discovery. Then they sell this lands to the average users, who's just starting to dwell on that lands, but they have very poor means - they can't yet build the houses on that land, they still have only houses from woods and they are not appreciating their lands either.

Guess what happens after emission is done in 2025 (I don't count last million of Bitcoins emission, because it is very small amounts of reward for miners).

Miners is like a football teams, who's constantly playing on the field. But not like the regular football, because there is thousands of teams and even more football players participating in teams (team = mining pool, miner = football player).
Why do you need someone to play football in such serious activities like money? Because winning team usually has political weight in the program algorithm.
Why so complicated? In fact because you're trying to understand the deep thing about how Bitcoin works. But you don't need to know the word "miner" to use the system, because all of it is a background job done by software. Miners usually don't spend their personal time adjusting mining algorithms either - they just purchase hardware, plug it in, and enjoy the flight of hashrate/team play which computers play together to get supremacy right for the next block ;)

What is the blocks:
Imagine the blocks like train wagons: each wagon is checks, and checks pepresent the information written like this: "Alice wants to send Bob 1.34 BTC [+signature]". Miners can't get inside wagon or touch/change this messages, because there is unbreakable cryptographical lock. But miners have more important role for these wagon - they compete among each other to have right to perform some ceremony which puts the hash-seals on these wagons, confirming that this wagon goes after the wagon #316665 (previous block can be seen on - site that counts blocks publicly available for everyone and updated in a real time manner).

Each wagon (it is called block) is sent by the next miner who wins the global race. But where from this miner can get all of these checks which he must put into wagon? These checks before they get into wagon (block) they are collected at railway platform (in mempool = unconfirmed transactions list).

Who sends the checks to railway platform? This process is organized this way: users send checks to each other, they accumulate the checks in their own mempools first (even the clients participate in the process), these checks are accumulated in a file that is currently don't even prevail 1 megabyte per 10 minute (because there is usually averagely made only 500 transactions made by users around the world - look - there is a number of transactions included into each block - this is overall transactions that happened on the network)

After these checks laying on railway platform (mempool) are put into new wagon, it will be sealed by winning miner, then these wagon will be attached to the next wagon (again attachment is done cryptographically - the way you can't unnattach - because each wagon=block has a hash inside the seal representing the numeric order - one wagon after the other)

You're not giving yourself a chance to be openminded about Bitcoin

You're not giving yourself a chance to be openminded. Yes, this is a completely new technology, but in this case this is something which you would be interested in persuading that it works to yourself, because if you won't be able to proof for yourself that this protocol works, then nobody here probably will be able to persuade you. You're stuck with "It can't work", while you not even trying to understand why it works. Its like telling in 1990 - the TCP/IP is utopia, no way Internet will work, and even if it will work nobody will be able to use it, and even if everybody will be able use it, then it will be useless because speeds are so low (back then everybody used the modem).

Also when it comes to currencies/financial means there's no borders for Bitcoin now, and it will develop way quicker than everybody expect, because all the fiberoptics already there and technology is ready for deployment.
Yes some minor improvements needed to make it more friendly to masses. Yes way more examples, companies, organizations, applications, individuals needed for full adoption, but all of these will be built upon the existing technological layers. I saw conversations and disputes, mostly they're talking about "currency" properties of Bitcoin, while nobody pays attention to the protocol itself, and don't even think that it is the right technology.

Let's start it from the beginning. Let's imagine that there's no Bitcoin yet. Let's imagine that you know all the existing financial tools perfectly, you know the limitations of paper money and how it works, you know usability of the gold/silver, you know how those with power exploit their abilities to control 90% of wealth of this planet. How would you eliminate them? If everybody would have equal amount of money at the beginning, then it wouldn't solve this problem, because dollars are printed without permission. Now we know that printing is the evil. Society double-spends its funds constantly. Those fraudsters who counterfeit money, those banksters who print money both go against justice. Yes gold can't be printed, it would be awesome if everybody could use gold, but you can't transfer it abroad immediately without relying on third-party. If there would be such a third-party economy or technology which could serve as a gold-barter or something that would be good idea. And that's all the options which you can think off as a person who don't know how the Internet works. All of these thoughts in paragraph won't bring any use, except if you don't try to innovate along with new things which were given by this century: the Internet.

The Internet, welcome to the new world where people finally got the advantage to transfer the information immediately. Before Internet, it was difficult to imagine such technology which allows Information to overcome any borders on its way. You can't simply just ban information to go through in 21st century. You can try to manage it, but information is everywhere, and everyone should have access to any information the same way as everyone must have ability to share everything which he think is important, but people have choice whether they want to receive information or not.

The fact that you're still reading this lines is your choice. The fact that you're choosing to use such free tools as wikipedia is your choice. The fact that you're choosing to receive information from Bitcoin's blockchain is your choice. But you can't check whether the other information is correct, and you can't prove it mathematically, while with Bitcoin you've got your chance to be 100% sure about whether you can mathematically check whether the world/group of people is trying to fool you or not. The most interesting part about this is that you don't have to check this yourself - the Bitcoin software which you download is checking this for you, everytime you run it on your computer. And before you've downloaded this Bitcoin software on your computer 100 thousands of programmers checked the mechanism of this software, because it is open mechanism and open software, nobody can change even 1 byte of that software, and you can again mathematically check it - you can check it independently without relying on somebody's help just by comparing checksum (again it is cryptographical function)

I can prove you mathematically that it won't disappear, while you won't be able to do it otherwise. This technology is can't be uninvented. You can't stop it, because you can't stop the propogation of the information therough the internet. The same way you can't stop the Internet. You can cut your own cable at home, but if you'll cut the cables at your neighbor - he will fill the lawsuit against you, because it is unlawful to destroy property as well as restrict people from accessing vitaly important information.

While I confess that I'm fanatic about it and this is irrational part of it, I'm also mostly fanatic because of its rational sides.
And since you're such a Bitcoin non-believer, I don't judge you, but I have question for you. I already told that I can prove any part of my Bitcoin faith rationally, I mean mathematically. Can you answer me rationally which part you think won't work.

If you want to say that 2+2=5 and not 4, then you have 2 choice of saying that:

1) Because my parents told me that, your Bitcoin don't have historical proof, doesn't have support from banksters and FED (how it will if its new and its just appeared in 2009 - too new for money) and f*** off dude
2) The second way is explaining it rationally (everybody of course can do it differently, but most important is not how you did it, but imprtant of course the fact that you want a rational discussion)

Right now you're telling me that 2+2=5. And by following the 2nd (rational) path, I'll try to explain the most essential mathematical points which make it 2+2=4. If you will be able to tell me that any of this points are wrong, then you're proved that Bitcoin won't succeed.

Hereby I'm telling that Bitcoin is not controlled by any individual:

1) You can check the checksum of the Bitcoin client software which you download, this lets you be sure that you're downloading the right code on your computer (Average user shouldn't do this, because average user can just go to or and this advice will lead in 99,9999% successful software download/wallet creation) This check is necessary for the times when some catastrophic events happened, like was taken away by governments, or domain was shutdown for maintenance / was hijacked by U.S. government (is such threats even possible for those with powers in their hands?)
2) Your Bitcoin client checks the validity of all the blocks cryptographically this contains the records about every single transaction signed and depended upon the hard-cryptographical signatures which can't be faked by any software or individual. (It checks whether all transactions on the network which had been done previously from 2009th are valid - it is possible because all transactions are public and can't be faked) All of those checks done in background for user, it is very reliable technology. Using this chain of transactions, you can mathematically check whether anyone tried to created more than 13,000,000 bitcoins - and no one can go above those limits - you can own only existing coins. You can setup backup for this chain of transactions in your underground fascilities to be sure that EMP won't affect the money of the world. There's many projects in the world already which maintain such underground fascilities part of servers from which is used to store Bitcoins blockchain. Renting 1 server unit in underground fascility is affordable even for middle class, because few middle class people can crowdfund such opportunities.
3) Only you can own private keys. No money from the Bitcoin blockchain can be moved without your private keys - you should sign the digital order for that. Private keys are based on ECDSA technology which is open and description available on the Internet. ECDSA and similar algorithms are used to protect your government's A-Bombs, Nuclear stations locations. We would be blown by now by cyber-terrorists/hackers since nothing stops them in 21st century from leaking such kind of information, they would definitely use it to ask for rewards - since they can wipe out the whole state, city, country. Such things would happen way more often if engineers wouldn't be able to trust such reliable cryptography (those encrypted channels needed for emergency station controls - and such software is everywhere, on every nuclear station). If I would be terrorist, I wouldn't care that somewhere e.g. some nuclear station would blown like Chernobyl and probably already would use it for my advantage, but we still don't know such disasterous cases, because the cryptography is strong & reliable.

This is 3 most important ways you can check whether Bitcoin is just another foolish technology or is it really works as independent currency not controlled by any individual.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Stop generating views for YouTube channels not supporting Bitcoin

This is very important, especially if you really like music videos, if you're spending too much time in YouTube for huge variety of entertainment channels. Why I think it is very important? 1st your time is valueable and you shouldn't watch any YouTube videos anyway, but if you're willing to watch some YouTube video, just go ahead and search something which will bring you a simimlar satisfaction in a world of a crypto.

Here's few suggestion for things you shouldn't miss in Bitcoin world:

  • This week in crypto - is the most awesome animated show for Bitcoin News I've ever seen in the Universe! You should definitely go check it right away and recommend it to everybody, because this project has very small view for the current moment, so you must encourage watching it for all of your friends who know/or don't know about Bitcoin

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Why facebook should be decentralized?

  • Because they don't let you sell your Profile/Page ID

Friday, August 15, 2014

My Open Letter To Grant Cardone

+Grant Cardone Everybody got 2 minutes and everybody got 2 cents. And I've got a bomb, Grant. I'm sharing this because I'm obsessed with this technology. If you'll take this idea right now, I'm confident you'll say thank you to me personally few years from now. Each year brings a leader dominating in the space - in 1990 it was a computer (Bill Gates), afterwards the Internet unleashed its potential, in 2007 it was a Steeve Jobs. I'm here to tell you a secret about what it will be in 2020. Its about networks. There's only 1 to 3 millions (very few people on a global scale!) know about this, and Grant, as your biggest fan I would be personally disappointed in you if you don't still get it. The Bitcoin. Watch "The Bitcoin Phenomenon" on YouTube the only thing I ask from is 60 seconds of watching about this technology. This is the future. The technology exists over 5 years as a reliable protocol and maybe someone already told you. But even if my message won't achieve your ears (because perhaps you're not reading your comments, who knows maybe the replies come from your personnel :)) - Bitcoin will make it anyway.

Too long don't read:
What interest did I got by wasting my time and recommending the stuff like that? I am myself a developer and entrepreneur from Russia (I'm pureblood Russian :)). I believe that those technicians which develop this technology right now aren't really good enough at promoting it, while I believe Bitcoin is the biggest change to the world since the Internet. And I believe you will see it next years.

Let me describe the whole technology real quick.
* Bitcoin is the idea of decentralized money which was very well documented & created by a very talented individual OR group of individuals back in 2008
* Quantity of Bitcoins is strictly limited by a protocol standards.
* Everybody got the copy of a global accounting distributed ledger (which means that each user stores ALL WORLD'S TRANSACTIONS on his computer)
* Many people don't get it how you can trust this kind of money when you don't even really know about its transactional history of success (5 years too small amount of time), when nobody has any garantees from financial institutions? How you can trust? The right answer is NO trust needed! That's the point people don't get - we don't need any centralized authority to manage this money.
* Bitcoin is a P2P money working based on powerful technologies (it works like a Torrent - nobody can shutdown this system). It uses 2 greatest cryptographical inventions: 1) SHA-256 protocol which is the basis for concensus - this helps not to double-spend the money; 2) ECDSA - this is the way you can have your Private Key to protect your funds

Thanks for your time!

Are you also feeling miserable when you read this?

Multi-tasking has become a way of life, but sometimes your PC just can't keep up with everything you want to do on it at the same time. The AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core processor enables true multitasking - taking computing to an all new level. Dual-Core technology is like having two processors working together, each one taking care of different applications. So now you can simultaneously burn a CD, check e-mail, edit a digital photo, and run your virus protection - all without slowing down your computer.To protect your computer you've installed all the latest virus protection and firewall software. The result? Your PC is safer but slower. Upgrade to a computer powered by the AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core processor - now you can run protection programs in the background while a second runs the applications you want to work on - making computing fast again.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

VERY Simple explanation why SHA-256 has nothing to do with NSA

The basis for security of your funds in Bitcoin is not SHA-256, but ECDSA. The ECDSA is mathematical open source algorhythm which has nothing to do with NSA - if you're not dumb, you can even calculate your OpenKey / PrivateKey function using a calculator without trusting any program, watch this Public Key Cryptography: Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange You're wrong about SHA-256 too because anyone can see the code too, but even if SHA-256 is vulnerable all NSA will be able to do, is make emission for last remaining 8 million coins (21 minus 13 existing) - which won't mean anything for the economy, I'm not considering double-spending abilities here because its unlikely that NSA will hustle for some small amounts of money for such attack being planned - plus double-spending if occurs, it will never touch my savings anyway.

ECDSA - your personal security (nobody can take away your funds from you)
SHA-256 - security of emission, security from double-spends. You can't control all the funds in the network by making SHA-256 vulnerable. So stop bullying Bitcoin for non-existent dark matters, its really stoopid.

Bitcoin is a blackhole! Epileptic Curve

I've read your info. Thanks, but I already saw that stats you've showed me, when I reading them I convince myself more that I don't care what is the Bitcoin's cost. Yes you know a lot about cryptocurrency - that's very awesome. You don't understand the fact that supply represents only less than 10% of people who's ready to sell during reasonable amount of a week when buyer's ready to buy. The other 90% or majority can be categorized into 10% who will sell month later after finding out the fed's investment, the other 10% will do it 2 months later and remaining 70% will never do it, because they will whether believe that rate must be higher to sell.

I understand your idea about stocks. But you don't realize that I mean it when I say next words: if Bitcoin falls into $1 cost, I'll be already half way running to nearest bank / nearest possible real estate agent to sell my apartment, because this is the opportunity that no Bitcoin fan will miss.

Because I'm developer myself and I know how this thing works. Even if Bitcoin's cost will be not $1 - only $50, that's will be good enough price, and if you want I will send you a proof of holding that amount of Bitcoins when such thing will happen. So if you're insider you can even purposefully make the market prices go down, I'm waiting for it!!! REAALLLY BADLY!

And concerning vulnerabilities...

You mentioned the fork glitch - that is representation of your poor understanding of the whole technology's security basis: which is ECDSA - protocol which will be never broken - its the basis for your PRIVATE KEYS. If you hold one, it doesn't matter how much fork glitches will happen in the network, you'll still own your money.

You must understand that I'm a developer myself and I believe there's no one knows this stuff better than me. It may seem like I'm putting too much confidence, but for me it is very simple technology - and believe me purchasing Bitcoin even for $200 a piece would be a combo brakarr deal - I'm pretty sure anyone who has Billions of dollars right now with the right mind will have no doubt to spend all of his Billion dollars if price will went at least $200 - those people are just waiting for any kind of disaster with Bitcoin.

I hope you're open enough to understand the hyerarchy behind the Bitcoin. I'm not saying only bare words, I can provide all the proofs about myself if you would need, and about any technical details - I can explain every bit. There's litterally no such technical question which can't be answered.

This protocol works for over 5 years now. And the most disasterous forking challenges was considered in MULTIPLE forum topics on such as Internet optic lines destroying, severe damage due to apocalypse or sorts of nature problems - all of them was considered, but none of them are serious for Bitcoin.

You don't realize yet how much Bitcoin is a nanopray or a blackhole in economical terms - it consumes every brain and every money which is near it! ;)

Monday, August 11, 2014

The most beautiful landing page place I've ever seen

I've found out that they have pretty beautiful html collection for the web-sites

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Namecoin must and will survive

Audio version:

  DNS systems isn't that complicated as it may seem. Many still may not know Namecoin, but that doesn't affect its survival, because it is Open Source, because there is a community of supporters, because the whole project is one of the kind among the other forks and because it is based on the most fittest technology: the blockchain! Remember this: even if there is 1 person on the Earth who have the copy of Namecoin's blockchain (even if it is the latest copy on the Earth), it will survive, and you will be able to recover all of the domain names from that copy! Last time I've checked the size of Namecoin blockchain, it was 1.87 GB. Is that meant to be something to save on your local disk?

   But mostly because you can't make mistake when you are choosing your domain. And because you can't choose mediocre technology. Any service which allows uncertainty is miserable. I can't guarantee that my domain at dot com won't be raided by someone more powerful in financial means than me. Nobody will give you any warranty about reliability of .com. This is for you, if your project matters to you, this is for you if you want to be 100% sure about your fate. Why fate? Because for some people their project is their fate. And believing in your business is healthy thinking. If your project is miserable, then you'll be better shopping around any domain like .com or any others available on the net from $10.

   But is it so hard to use Namecoin... Really? $3 is hard for you? Really? No, you must be kidding if you are still sitting here, coming from subreddit and reading this lines and haven't heard anything about web-sites offering cheap .bit domains with No Trust Required! All you need is just grab your Namecoin private key and visit one of web-site offering .bit and choose your domain.

   Ok, but how about adoption - you're really worried about how smart your customers must be to adopt .bit services? Is it that hard for you to put a tutorial on your web-site and teach your customers to change their DNS once and forever? Isn't it would be a better world if everyone would had Namecoin DNS setup by default?

How fast desired future will come? Its up to you.

Does the Bitcoin needs investors?

I don't think that Bitcoin needs investors - Bitcoin is not a company, and mostly investors misunderstand the value of technology, I wish them stop losing their funds, withdraw their money from Bitcoin and invest it into Bitcoin's infrastructure instead by opening their Bitcoin companies.
When big investor purchase speculative big stock of Bitcoins and locks them, he doesn't believes into technology, he believes that the other losers will pour in their money and he will get their money easily by withdrawing his funds (but doesn't matter whether investor's money will go up or down in value - the fate of his Bitcoins is always leaving the Bitcoin economy - that's where the circle is broken).
At least when a userbase grows, there is more low-value investments from users, and user has more value because it 1) More transacts; (by testing bitcoin services) 2) Keeps money in a long-run; 3) talks more about Bitcoin; 4) learns new stuff about bitcoin himself. And a good thing about a Bitcoin user is that there's a lots of Bitcoin users unless greedy investors who expect from Bitcoin unreal things and who is not patient enough to receive the value from the real Bitcoin economy growth and who aren't contributing anything.
I would rather wish Bitcoin economy 1 billion users each of them having 1 cent in Bitcoin, rather than having 1 crazy man who's investing his $10,000,000 then withdrawing everything and losing all faith.

Friday, August 8, 2014

OpenBazaar. This is going to be huge!

No doubt! Imagine CraigsList only with reputation scores. Imagine how much more popular it would be if people could be reasonably sure that the person they are doing business with will deal with them honorably. You see a news story from time to time about how some trusting and not very bright person tries to buy or sell something that's expensive on craigslist and then they either get shot or hurt when the other party turns out to be a criminal. In situations like Open Bazaar however, people will have a good reason to nurture and grow their reputation score so you'll be vastly more assured that the other party will deal straight with you. With reputation scores it will become more profitable for people to act with honor and provide good customer service. And when someone has a blank profile it will give the other party a warning that the person might not be trustworthy so he can take greater precautions when he deals with such a person.
I'm telling you pal, this is going to be huge! The pent up demand for something like this is enormous! And when the system becomes available and dependable it will spread like wildfire, bringing freedom and prosperity back to our people.
Currently that productivity is stifled by government but systems like this will free it up and allow it to explode into a new gray economy, an economy free of oppressive controls, where a 13 year old who wants to do some yard work will be able to make some money if he wants (knowing that his employer is trustworthy and fair) and an old guy like me can get some help with is yard when he's too dam tired to do what needs to be done. Dude! This is going to be huge!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Википедия собрала более $140,000 в Bitcoin пожертвованиях за первую неделю

С начала её основания в 2001, Википедия была одним из самых всемирно значимых проектов, потому что именно она дала возможность каждому человеку имеющему подключение к Интернету получать доступ к накопленным человечеством знаниям. В своём блог-посте в coinbase отписались о том, что они были особо рады предоставить непосредственную помощь в проведении платежей, потому что сама по себе децентрализованная, всеобъемлющая иерархия Википедии ассоциируется с Bitcoin, таким образом coinbase получил привилегию внести свой вклад в демократизацию информации.
Я очень рад что за первую неделю приёма биткоин, Wikimedia Foundation получила более $140,000 пожертвований в биткоинах.
Википедия находится на содержании у некоммерческой организации и всё это время работает без какой-либо рекламы, из-за щедрости жертвующих со всего мира. В свою очередь для доноров Википедии, биткоин является одим из самых удобных способов который позволяет получить Википедии практически 100% пожертвованных средств. Выбирая Биткоин, добровольцы пожертвовавшие в Википедию также смогут насладиться значительными преимуществами специальных форм налогообложения. Такие вдохновляющие некоммерческие организации как Wikimedia Foundation продолжают работать над адоптацией биткоин в качестве платёжного метода, и я очень надеюсь что каждый человек и существующее сообщество продолжит демонстрировать настолько же сильную поддержку в этом направлении.

Here is my plan to revolutionize retail market in my local city

Hello Reddit. I am PHP programmer from Russia. I'm here to share a simple idea which will allow retail market owners in your city to start accepting Bitcoin.

I don't know about your city/country, but in our country not every salesperson has a smartphone. This article mostly gonna help you to get a clue about solution for retailers to start accepting in your local area without programming skills and without necessity to purchase an Android phone for their sales employees (in most countries HR-flow for sales people is huge so very often these salespeople are changed too often to trust them such an equipment as Android phone along with other equipment hassles).

The most interesting thing about accepting Bitcoin - salesperson or retail boss can decide to accept Bitcoins privately, without showing any signs like "Everybody, we're accepting Bitcoins!". Accepting Bitcoins privately doesn't means though that you can't have Internet ads or making the place viral among those who's willing to accept Bitcoin. Acting like this might be especially useful in the countries like Russia or other countries which may not have a legal regulations for currency yet.

Which business is the customer for this idea

Everybody can use it! Mostly small shops trading different kind of products from A to Z. I believe this idea is powerful for any country. I don't mind using it, I publish this information, because I want Bitcoin to be open to the world. I want to copy this script and build your service upon it.

Technical side

The provides very simple API for checking Bitcoin funds getting accepted. Very soon (maybe on this week) I will publish on my blog about how to write very simple php-script consisting not many lines, easily verifiable for security vulnerablilitiesready to use script that will send a confirmation SMS to any old phone, when payment comes (SMS will represent the amount of satoshi received).

Why do I think is it important to provide such a small script for retailer & explain how it work?

Because in this case you are being honest with a retailer - which is a person who perhaps don't knows you or sees you first time. Some of retailers may have "php-friends", who can even show, how this little php works on fingers. I believe local retailers don't need another Karpeles with Mt.Gox intermediary which will handle offline transactions for us. Everything retailer will need is: free php hosting and oldest & dumbest phone.

If every small retailer in your city will have such little handy php script, it will mean that they will be able to hire anybody without hassle of trusting Android phone to anybody else to verify transactions in retail market.

How it works for the end-customer?

Customer who are willing to pay Bitcoins for a product, comes to the shop from advertising by friends (or web-site) who said about this shop accepting Bitcoins. Customer is required to have any smartphone with QR support / Bitcoin Wallets support.

1) Customer came to shopping location, now he is asking salesperson to provide the QR code to scan. You must teach retail owner to print around 6 QR codes (or few more for backup if you think that 6 isn't enough for this shop), in case if there's a need to send more than 1 payments immediately.

Each QR code should be printed on separate papers / cards.

2) Once payment received blockchain will send callback URL to your WebSMS provider (this is shouldn't be a problem, because there's so much SMS API providers, who can have stability in task of rarely sending SMS to 1 phone number). This is gonna be done by those little php-script I will provide in the next blog post.

3) Once customer scans QR code with his iPhone/Android phone and sends his funds to desired wallet, within a 10 minutes salesperson will receive SMS notification about customer's Bitcoin transaction.

4) Salesperson receives an SMS message saying like "Wallet#2 Received 700000 satoshi" or "Wallet#3 Received 0.007 BTC" depending on the metric system you've chosen in script settings.

Do it today! Now what you need to get started with this idea

I will miss here the part where you find retailer, because it is mostly about convincing someone in person using your sales skills (you can ask direct salespersons who already had experience in direct marketing/communications to guide you about how to contact business owners properly)
  1. PHP script which must be supported by almost every free or $1 web-hosting provider (by the way you can ask your own web-programmer to write this script for you, it should be very easy task if you'll show him an API documentation
    1. You should know your local WebSMS company which must have documented PHP API too (just the way to send URLs with texts). Because you will be needed to guide most retailers in sign up process for WebSMS company (or you can provide account already signed up to your retailer and with a minimum balance at the SMS provider's account provided also by yourself)
  2. You should provide some education brochures to a retailer which explaining the basics about Bitcoin
  3. You should teach retailer how to use a Blockchain Wallet (or any other Bitcoin Client, if you think it is easier), and teach him about the best ways to withdraw Bitcoins in your local city.
  4. Prepare all necessary education brochures, have equipment/know places where to print cards/paper with QR wallets
And finally it will be very good idea for you to create some local catalogue or web-site with links/descriptions where you will collect all of those retail stores, where you have helped to get started with Bitcoins.

Nobody tells you that you must do it for free, you can choose the reward to ask and most people won't hesitate paying for such a useful service. But I'm myself ready to do at least something for FREE to help people gain trust in the cryptocurrencies to finally get Bitcoins accepted everywhere!

Monday, August 4, 2014

The Bitcoin Links - for cryptocurrency experts
