Saturday, August 10, 2013

How to find a neighbor for a joint tenancy?

 Probably the biggest advantage of the Cooperative rental is that you can afford to rent a spacious apartment in a good neighborhood for less money. However, it could also mean an extra headache in case oF not serious approach. We are not talking about placing ads - that's the easiest part. Much more important if you find someone close to you with necessary character and habits. Here are a few tips that will help you solve this problem. 

1. Don't share an apartment with friends. Do not take shelter with friends at first glance to rent an apartment with a man whom you know very well, is the most obvious solution. However, no wonder they say: you never truly know a person until before living together under the same roof. There is a great truth. Maybe others can have a wonderful time, but this does not mean that you'll be able to get along with the same idea about rent. Because the joint tenancy immediately subject to certain conditions of living together, it will be hard to remind about them to your friend, if they suddenly become violated. In the end, it's just can ruin your friendship. In addition, in spite of your trust, certainly there everyday habits of which you would prefer that your friend or your mutual friends did not know. Conclusion: its better to share a realty with a stranger.
2. By defining clear criteria before starting your search you will have to ask yourself some important questions. This will help you understand who you should seek out and establish clear criteria for the search. Here's an example of some of these questions: Are you "lark" or "owl"? What kind of music do you like? Do you love to organize a party or spending time in a relaxed environment? What is the environment in the future neighbor? You don't mind visitors? Do you have a serious relationship? And does your neighbor have it? Do you have the same ideas about cleanliness? What are your hobbies? For example, if you play a musical instrument, a future neighbor should know about it! :) Do you or your neighbor are planning to have pets in the apartment? Do you smoke? If not, is it okay to live with someone who smokes? Does the prospective neighbor will have enough money to regularly pay his part for renting an apartment? It is better if you spend half an hour and make a list of pre-additional issues which have a special meaning for you. If you own an apartment which you would like to share with someone, its like a job interview, but with different requirements.
3. Ask questions over the phone. Lets say few people responded to your ad. Before meeting with potential neighbors, spend with them a phone interview. So that you don't waste the time, just found out, whether they fit you or not. Ask them important questions for you, and be prepared to answer their questions. At this point, your task - to draw up a short list of potential neighbors for subsequent personal meeting. If you have rented an apartment and is now looking for the candidate to share a room, then you can start talking again to tell them about the apartment and the features that you have in the ad. Choose only those who meet your criteria.
3. Take care of personal safety. Now the access to your house will be granted to a stranger - its always better think about what you can do about storing valuable things in shared apartment: sometimes it worth to think about purchasing cheaper stuff for your shared apartment - stuff which you probably won't regret losing - especially if you live in the big cities or in countries where no one will be able to help you in case you've lost something.
4. You have to also respect preferences of your candidates for living with you, but stay realistic. For example, criteria such as age, sex may be less important to you than the ratio of the purity, visits of strangers, parties. Basically what you would expect from a future neighbor - is cleanliness, responsible attitude to safety (which means that the copy of the keys to the apartment won't be shared among all of his friends), the timely payment of rent and utilities.
5. Prefer knowing their real identities instead of using "written agreements". Finally, you found the "ideal" neighbor. A good idea in advance would be a paper where the personal data is shared between each other & signed by all tenants. It should be fixed basic agreement regarding the sharing of apartment living. In the future, it can help you in resolving the conflicts that arise. Terms of the agreement may change over time by mutual agreement. If you signed a contract with the landlord, the agreement with the neighbors in the apartment gives you the opportunity to ensure the observance of the rules in it. Otherwise, you'll be able to ask the offender to "buzz off". Assign finding a neighbor the same way you search your job: define clear criteria for a telephone interview, meet in person. Be prepared to compromise. Its awesome if you will become friends with your future tenants, but you have to remember that while you live together it is a business relationship so read the advise #1. Don't share an apartment with friends... So do not forget to make a written agreement with a future neighbor and try to comply with it.


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