Friday, August 9, 2013

Worthy Notes

I really love reading stories which can teach me something useful. And I need someone to write them for me. Yes this is my web-site and I'm the only one who probably must write here but why exactly to choose me to "write" everything on my own web-site. I love reading the same way I love writing. That's why I'm going to delegate this task in a very interesting way: I'm going to attientively study what the other people write, and the most favorite writers will be perhaps what I'm looking for. Here's the things which I'm looking for:

  • Main thing about posts which I want to see on my web-site: is that they must be really easy to read even for those who for some reason don't knows English good enough, or maybe doesn't understands the topic
  • Another thing: I write only about topics which can improve a person. So officially I would call this topic as "Personal Development". I am always looking for new ways to save time using new time management techniques, and I'm always looking for the technologies & tactics in a business which could improve the whole process. I love psychology for its deep understanding the emotions & motivation for most of the people. I love just lively books which teaches how to overcome ages psychologically; how to become "independent" from parents, wife/husband, how to gain people's trust, how to get a girlfriend, interesting facts about laws and the way I can use it to my benefit; how to keep my budget strong; how to drive safe; how to not die young; how to get rich; lifehacks; how to manage risks; how to lose pounds or what I should eat to be healthy and how to probably live alone & long years in case if I'll need to.
  • Creative ideas about everything: mostly closer to grounded money-related topics or discussing the household problems & technology.
  • Another reason I could choose the article to publish here - it should look good and it should be interesting from the first lines until the end. I'm trying to post here only perfect articles by the way (at least I'm going to introduce this rule in a future few months).


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