Thursday, August 8, 2013

Company Party

Number two in the weird dream series.

This one takes place in an office building where some company was having a party. What company? I'm not sure. Did I work there? No idea. I do know, however, that the building was packed with people from my ward (church). So maybe it was a church party in an office building...or something.

Anyway, I was at this party, wandering around, looking for someone. On my way, I found a room full of people I knew, all sitting in chairs, in couples. One couple to a chair. The look on my face must not have been happily surprised, because someone started laughing andsaid, "She's not gonna stay here long," to which everyone else in the room laughed. I said hi to a few people. I definitely remember Nicole and Chris being there, although I can't actually remember what other couples were in the room. As I turned to leave, though, I noticed that the chair in the corner was occupied by three males, not a couple, who were all laughing as they saw me notice them. I laughed at the bromance--I beieve it was Mike, Danny, and someone else(?)--then walked back out of the room, continuing my search. 

At some point, I ended up in a room talking to Heddie who seemed to be consoling me for some reason, then started talking about her wedding.

I went back out, searching again, and ended up on the roof, where people were dancing. I saw Levin walk by complaining about the back pain caused by being a CEO (apparently he worked there?). I kept looking, and was dancing on the rooftop when it was time to leave. Then Nicole came over and told me to stop on the way home at a park by the road. There were going to be generators powering some big lights, and there were a bunch of guys waiting there, with whom we were supposed to have some kind of group date planned? Didn't even make sense in the dream, but maybe it would have if it had played out. I woke up when I was still dancing. 

Weirdness. Don't know if I ever found whatever I was looking for...


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