Saturday, August 3, 2013

Money Intelligence: What is the difference between pocket draining & useful expenditures?

Time  --  Money

Those are combination of two most powerful things in the world.
What makes time useless? Two things:

  • Destroying your mental / physical health
  • Wasting time without creating a value
Family and joy oriented people evaluate mostly their relationship as a grant of constant value.

The money are often drained in our economy. That's why we've got so much useless stuff.
What stuff will I call useless? You can imagine thousands of reasons why spending money could be useless.

But there's one definition of the meaning which will be correct for all cases: ASSETS
How appropriate they are? How much money they will bring? Are they stable enough? Can you predict them? Can you control risks? ... and many other questions could probably define if the assets has value. But main reason why so often decisions about money expendatures are failing because of this two reasons:
  • Too fast decisions
  • Too slow movement (sometimes because of slow decisions too)
  • Insufficient research, which mostly caused by mindlessness OR too low standards (low goals which causes slow movement)


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