Saturday, August 10, 2013

Life keep teaching me lessons, I do have a desire to learn them

  • I am very often starting to fix something myself - since I'm deeply in soul a technician, I tend to repair stuff which is especially expensive to repair. While I usually pretty sure that I can do everything myself, probably its just a delusion - since the person who knows it better than me or who have more experience is something which you better have at hand. So here my lesson learn about repairing complex systems myself: before wasting my time to try to fix something its better to take courses about that. Other people love teaching - the only problem is that too often I don't recognize thing that I actually do to avoid studying.
    • Before trying to acquire new knowledge next time I will use all my marketing and HR knowledge to find a person who's the best @ the subject I study. Thank God I am able to offer him a deal: I can gather the group of other people who's willing to learn the subject which is going to be teached, then I'll get the money from them all and will take participation in study for free myself + probably with benefit. Here's examples oF things I want to learn: house construction (including learning about financial planing & concrete manufacturing), UdnOS: here's another idea about the way such training could be organized: before the training I will chat with all of the participants who's willing to learn the subject. We will discuss everything. TheN all of our chatting will be provided to the person who's going to teach us about the subject. That's pretty awesome process, and I will worked udner ideas which could improve it. Main idea is that education as the Bill Gates said is the greatest investment person could ever do.
  • Lack of investment. When I am willing to learn to repair something or to perform some kind of jobs there's usually two mistakes made by newbies in any activity: (1) lack of knowledge for investment and investing too much for the tools; (2) lack of investment which leads to absense of essential tools to do jobs you willing to perform.


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