Saturday, August 10, 2013

People are fed by the Food Industry which pays no attention to health, and are treated by the health industry, which pays no attention to food

"Nutrition is the future of medicine" Francis Crick

Not to mention how addictive junk food is ...and the pills are addictive too. The doctors who promote the pills don't have a conscience and the manufacturers of food products want to sustain the poisonous food, because if the poor are working for them & dying, they don't have to answer to the public. They are in control as long as you keep paying them.

Cook and eat fresh foods, seasonal vegetables and fruit, better still grow your own. And give up the fast food and soft drinks. If we all did that we'd be a lot healthier and slimmer, a lot better off financially and a lot happier. It's a funny situation, for sure, but we shouldn't be relying on others, especially corporations, to look after our personal health and safety. Unless, of course, you really want Merck and Kraft dictating what you put in and do with your body.

Canola/Vegetable oil is incredibly bad for you - no doctor will tell you this - Olive Oil and Coconut Oil are your best choices! Also that no human should be ingesting gluten, yet you see Health Canada recommends eating grains every day. Healthy is what you enjoy not what they say in the news or wherever our teeth are made to eat meat and vegetables too, most importantly you need to enjoy your life what you do and what you eat, otherwise it's no point to live. It's not life it's struggling.

It's a funny situation, for sure, but we shouldn't be relying on others, especially corporations, to look after our personal health and safety. Unless, of course, you really want Merck and Kraft dictating what you put in and do with your body. Oh, contrare!! I believe they know exactly how they support each other and probably hold this relationship as a 'divine design'; it totally works for 'the system'...population control abound. For me a sad example of a slow genocide and just once removed from 'chemical warfare'.

All these Industry are made by humans like you and me, not aliens, or demons. So maybe the problem is just me.


  1. My Skype ID: admonihs283 - add me, girls only with the webcams only!

  2. 3 Researches SHOW How Coconut Oil Kills Fat.

    This means that you literally burn fat by eating coconut fat (in addition to coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).

    These 3 researches from big medical journals are sure to turn the traditional nutrition world upside down!
