Thursday, August 8, 2013

Example of negativity about the family institution

I don't bring it as bad example or bad attitude about the problem, I'm just telling the story here.

Yesterday my senior uncle who already have two kids told me two stories about both of his children:

  • Child #1 to whom he sent money (NOT FOR HIM PERSONALLY BUT FOR PAYING BILLS at THE HOUSE HE LEFT WHEN HE WAS ON A TRIP). He TRUSTED HIM and he sent him money during 3 years, and when he returned he found out that his child have't paid his bills, but used those money for his own needs. That's where the problem began.
  • Child #2 was brought as a tourist to the country where the father lived those 3 years. When she was brought to see the Paris she spent her whole night chatting with friends from her native town until 5 a.m.. Day later her father (my uncle) woke her up to show her the city (she of course couldn't wake up since she wasn't sleeping the whole night), that's why they missed the day. Since he was mad at her (because he also got day off from his job in Paris), she got mad at him too, that brought them to conflict where she didn't wanted to see him the whole year.
As my uncle noted that year ago she called to say him sorry and conflict was resolved. 
He told me also that he's wondering - how much time it will take for child #1 to resolve the whole conflict.

(c) vewev


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