Tuesday, August 20, 2013

America is Special

"America will not tolerate attack against our citizens and against our embassies. We'll defend also our Constitutional rights of speech, and assembly, and religion... We have confidence in our cause in America. We respect our Constitution... We stand for the principles our Constitution protects. We encourage other nations to understand and respect the principles of our Constitution, because we recognize that these principles are the ultimate source of freedom for individuals around the world."

He isn't our president, BUT HE can go our now and in the next several years to speak how wonderful our country is and how we can get it back to the way It should be! MITT Is our guy to lead the way! We all know the votes were rigged, and the dems will do it again when Hillary runs. People stand up and fight back, lets not be sheeps.

 The reason he was not elected was because Obama talks a good game and so many believed him and unfortunately, they still do. It is like the blind leading the blind or the pied piper. People want someone telling them they know what to do and how to do it to take care of all of us. In his case...he does not have a clue. And it is very obvious, he does not care. I believe he feels he is King and can do no wrong and whatever he says is the way it will be. We have a wishy-washy congress that does not stand up to him. Oh sure, they talk the talk but they seemingly are incapable of walking the walk. What a tragedy for what was the greatest country ever known to mankind. I am a firm believer it will not change unless and until we return to the Constitution. Anyone heard of it?

Our country would already be well on the road to recovery, financial solvency and competent management of our government.

 A lot of voters made a "BIG" mistake when voting for Obama! And a lot of those voters made the same mistake... 6 or 7 times on the same day, at the same polling place! No wonder he got elected! The liberal media would never let that out so we're stuck with Obummer another 4 yrs and possibly a very liberal democratic president for a good long time. It's so SAD!

I still don't understand why Mr. Romney wasn't elected President. He was the only one out there with intelligence and cared about America! He got my vote... and would again!

The election was a fraud. So much of it went on--some of those people are in jail but ya didn't see any up raw to throw out the election. such a same that we got 4 more years of crap. How did anyone choose OBAMA over Mitt - I will never get it!  It's called what Mitt said, " The Santa Claus complex" ! Too many people want EVERYTHING for Nothing!! And obama will give them all our money!

The election was fixed.... Romney didn't have a chance.....it's such a shame what has and is happening in our country. It really has no relevance as to what we hold that America will or will not tolerate; The people in control are the ones who won the election. I'm not so sure those in control agree to this. I think this quote from Mitt sums up what the last election was about. Unfortunately, not all heeded the differences, or didn't care, or just flat out agreed with the other side. Too many GOP voters stayed home. Too bad we have such a mis-informed electorate. Huge mistake not electing Romney. Now ALL of us are paying the price.

Mitt Romney IS Presidential - honest, God Loving, and willing to always defend and protect America. In office or not, he's working and fighting for America. It is shameful that some voters REFUSED to stand with this man and went with the most corrupt, dishonest, anti-American we have ever had in our Oval Office, namely Barack HUSSEIN Obama! If you did not go and vote - you in essence voted for Obama! Now we have to wait and see if we are even going to be able to vote come 2014 to change the failed leadership of the Senate and to get rid of the good OLD boys and girls that have forgotten they work for WE THE PEOPLE -- they have been working for DECADES for just their greedy, power hungry selves! It looks like Obama and his corrupt czars, are looking to get MARTIAL LAW declared thus preventing any elections that can CHANGE Congress, so WE the citizens of American, can once again HOPE! IF we can still vote come 2014 -- it is time to CLEAN OUT CONGRESS and elect REAL REPRESENTATIVES - vote for your country - NOT FAILING PARTY LINES! VOTE THEM OUT ON BOTH SIDES IF THEY HAVE REFUSED TO STAND WITH OUR CONSTITUTION AND BILL OF RIGHTS!

Romney is my choice.
God Bless you Mr. Romney for all the good work he does for us. Do the right thing Romney... Help us to take back the Senate and get a good candidate for pres! Amen


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