Friday, July 12, 2013

[238] Polyamorous Effects

P, G
Rated by OWNLIM0

Evolutionary Effect. Each member of a polyamorous family usually has a choice before joining the whole family. Each husband of a polyamorous family usually choose the most beautiful wife. "A psychiatrist asks a lot of expensive questions your wife asks for nothing." (Joey Adams) And before polyamorous families are formed, everyone will thoroughly choose which pairs could participate in a whole family and which one is not. The husbands who has the same vote powers as a wives will vote for the most beautiful women outside to join the whole family. And the wives who has the same voting powers as their husbands will vote for the most appropriate men.

Age. Here's two approaches: idealistic and compatible one - if you are thinking more in terms of ideals here you'll vote only for the families which was strictly formed based on maximum age distraction: +1,+2 or -1,-2 years throughout the whole community. Idealistic approach will bring the feeling of equity for the whole polyamorous family, while differentiated or compatible approach will benefits those members who could probably contribute their experience.

30 years old partners searching to join 20 years old family. If family which 10 years older joins younger family, in some means it could work - since older members could bring more experience and knowledge to family - but in this case I believe the experience and knowledge should be judged not by the quantity of money they have, but must rely exclusively on their wisdom indicators which should be also measured somehow.

20 years old partners searching to join 30 years old family. Sounds like non-sense to me, but for some families such a diversity could be useful too.

30 years old male & 20 years old female will join 20 years old family. That's very interesting move. Since in this case the votes of females will be the most valuable and the votes of males shouldn't have any value in such a decision.

So I suppose that age preferences along with other factors must create some flexible voting system where families will decide whom they could accept in a long run.


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