Saturday, July 13, 2013

[ufs] How to cure business hemorroid

Just wanted to talk about key problem which is called usual for both newbies and experienced entrepreneurs.

I want to ask you right now:
What you're doing now?

  • Probably you're suring the web,
  • Watch things about business on YouTube
  • Watch one education movie, another one
  • Read about this, finding out about that...

And you still can't move yourself from thought to action.

The same thing is about business owners: They have so much stuff in their heads:
  • Desire to find the best employees: because the ones you have right now doesn't work at all
  • You're thinking about how to increase sales
  • How to complete refurbishment in your office
  • You need to introduce new sales scripts and marketing campaigns
  • etc
And you're living in this huge quantity of tasks, which as you  believe you MUST get done.

The classical newbie which is craving to create his own business reminds me such a huge dragon, with a huuuuge hemorrhoid, he has huge amount of energy and he can't sit on one place because something burning inside - and he goes around destroying all the buildings on its way. He creates a lots of power inside, and tries to perform something outside, but the fact is that his efficiency is close to ZERO.

On the other hand, I would describe classical entrepreneur as some quiet dragon who's sitting pretty sad around destructed buildings and understands that well ... he can't cure it.

Key problem of the newbies in business is that they are taking too much tasks.

Few years ago in our first office we found out a trick, which we named "the brain". The core of which is ointment which you put on your forehead and you STOP doing EVERYTHING, and instead focused on the MAIN TASK and brought that sole task to the results.

Let's understand how our brains work. On the right picture you see the head. It contains inside some space for current tasks. But this space is not unlimited. Now let's examine what the newbie thinks about:
  • He were told that main in the business is a customer, but anyway:
  • Well first question would be how do I find the necessary product,
  • and what is the best legal form of my business registration?
  • I need to find an employees! But for finding them I need...
  • MONEY! But for getting it I must ...
  • Get a debt, what kind of bank and what kind of credit plan should I choose from......
  • .....
Your space inside your brain keep filling, and at this point you start to think about your girlfriend who's broke up with you recently which you must somehow return
And only small and really hardly recognizable part of your consciousness (depicted as STAR on the brain map in our picture (left)) keep whispering you "customers, you need your first customers".

What kind of results such thinking could bring you - when you think about it - it is pretty new topic for you, and since its new and it could be stressful. Yes its easy to understand that's you're slowly getting overwhelmed by the problems caused by such a new way of solving problems in your life. And since you have so much thoughts about so many various topics, plus there is that ex-girlfriend who's keep reminding you about herself -- you aren't doing anything yet properly. And you are living inside such a brain activity close to drug roll. I don't smoke but, the ones who smoke usually has one brand of their tobacco, and when they usually come to the market to purchase it they keep in mind their favorite brand and some spare brand which they're ready to purchase in case if there's no favorite cigaretts in stock. So they come to that market and usually say "give me my favorite brand of tobacco", and when they tell you "we don't have it right now", the smoker usually tell salesperson "give me my spare brand", and when the salesperson answers "we're out of stock for this kind of cigaretts too" -- the person who want to purchase them usually stands there and understands that he was put in such a non-standard situation that they forget about all the actions they could do, so that's the mindset which I call the drug roll.

But if you're talking about the reality, there's even way more sorrowful story to tell.
In reality we have a head not with the space in brain as depicted in previous picture, but with this much space (only one cell for a current task):
And you're like thinking then "Well in this case......"
  • I have to finally forget about my ex-girlfriend, so sorry my girl (in fact I have a new potential one, which is way better than previous)
  • And I have to temporarily get rid of all of the disturbing thoughts I've recently had in my brain
And after we got rid of everything we had, we putting something the most important in our head, and for most businesses such thing to put in your last brain cell is called THE "Leads".(or the way you invite your first customers to purchase your product) - launching the search for new customers, specifically: you have to generate the crowd for your business.

If you will compare the business with natural stuff, you'll find out that business mostly has not a feminine but masculine logics, and if you consider masculine behaviour you'll find out that the most man are programmed only for one action simultaneously. Maximum of a two simultaneous things which the man can do is watching the TV and eat the popcorn at the same time.

The females can do simultaneous things. They could have a dinner with you in expensive Italian restaurant, smiling at you, having really nice conversation with you and at the same time keep her hand in the bag where she's hidding the phone and writing the text to her friend where she says "oh my gosh he's total weirdo, please come and get me out of here"

Now remember how the male usually writes his texts on the phone. You MUST SEE IT!
Here he goes walking on the street, and he realizes that he needs to text someone, then he stops walking, gets her phone and focuses his attention exclusively on pressing on buttons on the screen of his phone with a face like he's trying to think real hard..He's busy - his brains now figure out how to solve his current task.
In the crowded place where he stands, womens who's disturbed by person standing on the way are yelling at him "What wrong with you, dude! Can't you just walk and text?!" but he's in the other world now, you can't disturb him from his activity, so after he's done with his text, he returns back to normal living and continues his walking.

If the man does most of the tasks this way (by performing only 1 task at a time) - do you think he's really capable of doing many things for his business at the same time? Its just impossible!

You must understand the simple equation: >1
If you're setting yourself to focus on more than 1 task you're destroying the whole process in its roots.

You must understand, believe into one thing given by many years of facing the same problem: if you will give your best efforts to concentrate your attention only for getting done one, the most important goal, without searching yourself new headaches - in a short time you'll achieve astounding results at what you're doing, only in this case you'll be moving really fast. And first thing you have to do for such type of thinking is removing everything odd from your mind and responsibly will put into that one empty cell of your brain: performing only the important task - in our case it making happen that your first customer will come to you and will start using your product.


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