Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Call center will be mine!

I know that it may sound gross.
But I need power. And for having freedom of making everything real I need call-center. I need a call-center for my secret wife project. I need a call-center to posses anything in thoze business.

Those guys from computer repair services doesn't pay real attention to calls. They don't think that it is really important. But I think. And I need it to operate real efficiently. And I need maximum out of that deal. And I need all of the circumstances like government, HR and many other circumstances to be good for my call-center. I don't want to give up on it.

Call center should be mine and there's no doubt. Those guys who's willing to create their repair services in the other cities are okay. I don't going to take away their bread. But I need to fight for bread too that's why I'm going to offer a "%" for them. That's why I'm going to fascilitate acquiring the call-center and creating my own name on it. I don't like to be managed by Mafia or anyone else. I need control under my own assets.
Those guys should provide me the biggest possible percent. And I'm going to expand my call-center to impossible amounts of seats. I will create call-centers in every city and it will take a lot of hardwork, but I won't give up on it, since it is my bread. Inside my call-centers there will be made calls to whatever projects I think profitable. I will be managing all of the bases. They are all mine, not theirs!

In this business the one who gonna posses the call-center will posses everything else. The one who first gonna create successfully operating call-center, that one is going to be kind of everyone.


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