Saturday, July 6, 2013

Not usual book about success. Read the FREE preview by following link bellow, to find out how much inspiration you can get just by reading its introduction.

"Before you say, "I don't need extraordinary levels of success" or "success is not everything" or "I just want to be happy" or whatever else you may be mumbling to yourself at this very moment, understand something: in order to get to the next level of whatever you're doing, you must think and act in a wildly different way than you previously have been. You cannot get to the next phase of a project without a grander mind-set, more acceleration, and extra horsepower. Your thoughts and actions are the reasons why you are where you are right now. So it would be reasonable to be suspect of both!

An interesting thing about success is that it's like a breath of air; although your last breath of air is important, it's not nearly as important as the next one.

The following is the basic series of mistakes people make when setting out to achieve goals:
1. Mistargeting by setting objectives that are too low and don't allow for enough correct motivation
2. Severely underestimating what it will take in terms of actions, resources, money, and energy to accomplish the target.
3. Spending too much time competing and not enough time dominating their sector.
4. Underestimating the amount of adversity they will need to overcome in order to actually attain their desired goal.


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