Tuesday, July 9, 2013

[ix] Omegle: Girl who explained me meaning of Polyamory Marriages. June 9, 2013

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hello!
Stranger: i can't stand cheaters
Stranger: even if a guy cheats on a girl with you, he's still a cheater and you can't trust her
Stranger: you have to be able to trust him completely
Stranger: did you ever heard about Polyamory? :)
You: no i don't think so
Stranger: Polyamory, often abbreviated as poly, is often described as "consensual, ethical, and responsible non-monogamy."
You: oh like not being committed to one person?
Stranger: Distinguishing polyamory from traditional forms of non-monogamy (e.g., "cheating") is an ideology that openness, goodwill, truthful communication, and ethical behavior should prevail among all the parties involved.[7][8] As of July 2009, it was estimated that more than 500,000 polyamorous relationships existed in the United States.[9]
You: oh non monogamy
You: i didn't read the non part
You: what you think are downside of such relationship?
Stranger: For many, such relationships are ideally built upon values of trust, loyalty, the negotiation of boundaries, and compersion, as well as overcoming jealousy, possessiveness, and the rejection of restrictive cultural standards
Stranger: well there really aren't any downsides
Stranger: i mean thats what I'd want
Stranger: i don't want some girl cheating
Stranger: can you personally be sure for yourself that during your life you won't need anyone except for the one who you love?
You: oh yeah
You: I've never cheated on a girl now
Stranger: but you know if we would litterally accept the phrase "cheating", then divorsing and getting married again could be considered as cheating too
You: I'm not a big fan of that too
Stranger: i don't plan on getting divorced
You: but people sometimes get divorsed, and there's a pretty big chance actually
You: due to statistics
Stranger: yeah i no
Stranger: sometimes those problems are caused by the problem of cheating
Stranger:  I just mean that socially if trust are achieved between the polyamory community participants, then the problems like cheating could be eliminated, because probably everyone could be happy, right? If all of those families lives together within one neighborhood, then its easier to handle problems like hiring one nanny for all of the children (nannies could be pretty tough for family budget), plus it would be easier to help each other, since everyone will live in one big family
Stranger: its kinda expanding the meaning of the family
You: wow
You: your really smart aren't you
Stranger: haha I thought you'll call me pervert :)
You: haha why?
Stranger: I'm also against cheating, but even though I'm not really need a lots of sex, in current economy I consider polyamory as an interesting idea
Stranger: Sex is not necessarily a primary focus in polyamorous relationships, which commonly consist of people seeking to build long-term relationships with more than one person on mutually agreeable grounds, with sex as only one aspect of their relationships.
Stranger: I've seen many guys who don't like to think about sex as about "not necessarily a primary focus"
Stranger: because that's what evolution pushes them to do, most of them are too sexually active
You: i know exactly what your saying
You: but only if its not harms the core of relationship
Stranger: you know the relationships sooner or later are getting routinized, don't you think?
You: I'm honestly shocked
Stranger: e.g. if I don't want you today, I could tell you to choose other women for an evening inside our family :P
Stranger: haha wow
Stranger: you know another thing about polyamory is that if you lose your ability to have sex, then your wife won't get disappointed in you
Stranger: because she will have an alternative options
Stranger: if she can't have sex
Stranger: then you get the benefits
Stranger: without breaking up with your wife
Stranger: you know sometimes women (e.g. during pregnancy or over special periods) just don't want sex
Stranger: that's time to cheat on her inside your family :)
Stranger: its like a brothers and sisters
Stranger: You could just spend my evening with some neighbor and its all fine
Stranger: only with trusted and certified neighbor :)
Stranger: medical checks are important in such community
Stranger: to prevent diseases
Stranger: like hiv
Stranger: etc
Stranger: I'm thinking about some rules too
You: and my wife would be fine with it?
Stranger: well only the members who's totally supporting the idea will be allowed
Stranger: usually womens aren't go against extra support
Stranger: when there's 5 families a women can be sure that during the most difficult moments she won't be left alone
Stranger: because she relies not only on 1 person
You: ok so then let me ask this
You: how does it even look legally?
Stranger: when one husband doesn't meet goals to perform his family responsibilities the whole community are helping him
Stranger: hypotheticly
Stranger: I told you in a beginning "For many, such relationships are ideally built upon values of trust, loyalty, the negotiation of boundaries, and compersion, as well as overcoming jealousy, possessiveness, and the rejection of restrictive cultural standards."
Stranger: another women outside community?
You: idk i just think some people would get pissed
Technical error: Lost contact with server, and couldn't reach it after 3 tries. Sorry. :( Omegle understands if you hate it now, but Omegle still loves you.


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