Monday, October 7, 2013

I'm going to donate my Bitcoin wallet 10% from all of my earnings

I think that this is a pretty useful practice for everyone.
And I think that if everyone of us would do it, the Bitcoin would grow faster. Long-term savings in Bitcoin is the reason why Bitcoin could succeed as a currency, and I'm glad to do everything I can for it.  Jim Rohn once said that main thing is that you must have a plan. Bitcoin sounds like pretty awesome deal as a savings for me.

Computers are my life, and if my money will die without them, then that's probably my fate.

Here's my plan: I'm going to use my local exchange service for transferring my dollars into Bitcoins as 10% of my income money just for seeing the power this investment technique. I haven't been investing into anything for too long. Maybe its time to change it.

10% isn't such money which I will be greedy to give up as a savings to Bitcoin. I would even put way more money, but that would make me feel uncomfortable about the whole idea. 10%. That's how much I'm ready to give up. That's like my additional religion, to whom I must tithe.

I suppose everyone must do it. Because its easy. Because it will make some impact for Bitcoins. Because each payment will reflect the overall quantity of your earnings.

What I gonna do with those 10% of Bitcoins in future? Nothing. I won't touch it. I want to use them only when I will be able to purchase something substantial: car or house

I'll keep posting updates on about how much money so far yearly I was able to save this way :).


  1. YoBit lets you to claim FREE CRYPTO-COINS from over 100 unique crypto-currencies, you complete a captcha once and claim as much as coins you want from the available offers.

    After you make about 20-30 claims, you complete the captcha and proceed to claiming.

    You can press CLAIM as much as 50 times per one captcha.

    The coins will stored in your account, and you can exchange them to Bitcoins or any other currency you want.
