Sunday, April 20, 2014

Yolo, the relatives

You know that weird circumstances when you have to move out back to your parents or relatives. Its the weird feeling that you are returned to your cave, your apartment. Do you have a good relations with your parents/relatives/other dear or close people you lived with for a very long time in past. Are they glad that you've returned? For most of us, not. They may smile, may seem very happy, but deep inside you're remembering a lots of embarrassing moments from the past. Maybe you want to forget most of those moments. And while you are staying in those house, you're keep remembering those good and not very good moments, finally doesn't matter what kind of moments, since it is the past already - and when you having a good time talking to your relatives again, in a talk, in a look and in any other gestures they are keep showing you how not logical it is living with you, future with all that happened in past. That is keeps following you for a long time.

And you know those weird moment, that when you came to your old house, your relatives are got older. For some of you they're got older to the extent where morality edge is touching the border where it is unethical to even speak to that old person. You are just becoming such a burden, you are enormously unwelcome, you are kind of thing of despair, you are the child who haven't grown up yet, who needs an advises about how to grow up. And sure you're always stand out to be unthankful, or someone who doesn't put enough efforts to thank them for being such a wonderful creatures, who is so kind to provide you temporary place to stay.

And of course don't forget about rules: don't touch that, don't do that, don't speak that loud, or don't speak that quiet - don't behave like this, don't do this, don't go to this room, do this exactly how I do, do that or do this, you're doing this incorrectly, you must learn how to do this if you're wishing our support, pay this, pay that - because you're already grown up! You're not our family member anymore, we all know that inside - you are just someone who have had divided from the family initially, that's why we are so unwelcoming you, that's why we're showing you how much your disruption. You're not thankful at all! We're put so much efforts to make you independent, and now you dare to come back! How dare you are! How you dare?

Well that's embarrassing...

Okay maybe I'm exaggerating most of the moments. Maybe I'm underestimating some of things you face. One thing is for sure - hippocricy, imperfectivity, unefficience is eweryhwere....

Hipnomatizing you....


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