Sunday, December 29, 2013

Благодарность, терпение и смирение

В христианстве принято быть благодарным, прежде всего Богу. Принято терпеть, быть терпеливее, еще терпеливее. Смирение это качество, выработку которого обеспечивает знание и стремление быть благодарным и терпеливым.

Быстрое принятие решений

Принимать решения быстро - это важный навык любого бизнесмена
Почему именно быстрое принятие решений, могу ли я назвать это отсутствием терпения при принятии решений?

Отсутствие благодарности

Наличие и отсутствие удобств и инфраструктуры в бизнесе часто является решающим приоритетом при выборе пригодности профиля, рода деятельности. Соглашаться с обстоятельствами, в частности с отсутствием определенных удобств может доставить гору проблем в будущем желающему поддерживать такой ущербный бизнес. Речевой образ: а за что вас благодарить? За что быть благодарным себе? За отсутствие контроля над обеспечением элементарных потребностей?

Выявление проблем в первую очередь ставит перед собой целью обеспечить проект всем необходимым. Это мышление человека скрестившего пальцы, надеющегося, что все получится.
Ведь раньше все получалось. Или раньше ничего не было?

Friday, December 27, 2013


Для серьезных людей - серьезные проблемы
Для серьезных усилий - серьезные болезни
Для серьезных лентяев - серьезное непонимание
Для серьезных эмоций - серьезные разочарования
Для серьезных мечтаний - серьезные препятствия

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Перехожу на Русский; Успешная настройка Asterisk и Vicidial

Заметил кратковременный спад популярности своего блога в англоязычном сегменте, и подумал, почему бы мне не перейти полностью на русский язык? Я ведь живу в Россие все-таке.

Just because I don't care, doesn't mean I don't understand. Homer Simpson

Удалось сегодня настроить Asterisk - последнюю неделю я не вылазил из офиса - просто уперся как самый последний червь в настройку Linux'a. Нееет, говорил же себе не раз - не надо лезть в технические дебри - так и потратил всю неделю на попытку сконцентрироваться на техническом аспекте функционирования калл-центра.

Еще час назад я думал, что неделя изучений - насмарку. Конечно есть еще шанс что насмарку, но многое говорит о том что настройка сервера завершена успешно.

На этот раз как и в течении всей недели мне было необходимо преодолеть 2 препятствия:
1. Сервер (функционал Vicidial'a) не звонит в автоматическом режиме
2. Надо выбрать уже нормальный SIP-транк и использовать его для ежедневного обзвона клиентов

Первую проблема напрямую зависила от моего желания подчиняться следовать инструкциям мануала висидайла пошагово. Именно эта элементарная деталь спасла сегодняшний день, и я горжусь что сейчас Vicidial работает хотя-бы в режиме "Dial next number":
Вторую проблему нужно было решить путем правильного выбора провайдера. Я все зациклился на SIPNET и последние 5 часов просидел просто перенастраивая конфиг астерикса - последний постоянно отваливался, а я нервно опять пытался найти причину неработоспособности сип-транка проклиная дистрибутив висидайла. И под самый конец за 15 минут мне удалось настроить МультиФон без всяких заморочек, просто следуя какой-то статье, которую я уже затерял (сейчас судорожно пытаюсь вернуть закрытые вкладки нажатием Ctrl + Shift + T в хроме, потому что закладку на статью лучше оставить для будущих настроек)

Ну да и ладно, пока мысли свежие, приведу все конфиги в мельчайших подробностях суда:
В первую очередь хочу предостеречь себя от будущего повторения ошибок в настройке: для успешной настройки сип-транка в дистрибутиве висибокса (vicibox) редактировать нужно сразу все файлы Asterisk'a: users.conf, sip.conf и конечно же extensions.conf:

Содержимое конца файла  sip.conf


(о необходимости трех последних выделенных жирным строчек я узнал в последний момент когда астериск заявил мне: -- Executing [9203552@office:1] Dial("SIP/201-0872d000", "SIP/333333@555555_out|30|r") in new stack 
[Nov 29 15:02:49] WARNING[793]: chan_sip.c:2961 sip_call: No audio format found to offer. Cancelling call to 333333 о том что не хочет дружить с кодеками от МультиФонаГхх...)

Содержимое конца файла users.conf

Содержимое второй строки секции [default] файла extensions.conf
exten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/multifon/${EXTEN:2})

после EXTEN я добавил двоечку, чтобы удалять первые две цифры при наборе висидайлом (почему-то Vicidial постоянно добавляет 81 в начале, бороться с этим я не стал)

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Things I hate about iOS 7

Even though I was seven got an Norma's the force of the Apple company I believe it's still very very on perfect. Many elements in those operating system are looks like it has to be perfect it wears a little bit better they need to be a little bit better. For example such thing as speech recognition knows device has an icon which shows up the progress once you're done speaking that's very icon look like weird and I'm not only criticizing the small things about the exact stuff in the operating system i'm also talking about things which irritates me

The most ugliest thing I've ever seen in the operating systems and that element is exists in iOS 7 is an ugly task manager. IOS 7 got really ugly desk manager and no one can do anything about it there is an Indian saying 'what am I to do it'

About task manager I hate to jinx first thing is the fact that swiping between tasks became totally an efficient and time consuming The second thing I hate about this manager the fact that control elements such as reducing volume apartments was removed from the task manager and I was really convenient option to use

I use maps a lot mostly for public transportation nowadays all of the maps seems like to be designed for personal ankles such as cars.

In my local city got really convenient app which suggests me what prices goes to the places I need to be in the city but it has a convenience problem first of all I like using an iPad for the other tasks while waiting a bus. And whenever possible I need to know the number of process which I am waiting for is usually three or four numbers of bosses are generally on the bus stop in here to be really convenient for me just having a display option which permanent shows me this is a bus stop numbers which is really hard to implement in an application for iOS because there's no design teacher for displaying static numbers or other windows with info while I'm doing the other tasks on my price device

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I thought it's such an awesome invention

 I never feel sorry about my iPad iPhone Mac Mini or any Apple device Talkatone recently I purchased an iPad mini and I fell in love with these device before purchasing an iPad mini I had an iPhone which I successfully sold after I needed some money but an iPad when I got it I found out that it is even more than an iPhone especially the small device as an iPad mini

I am struggling with a smile needs these days since I haven't got Google job yet in order to make a leaving I have to get some bad credits will probably be are not really bad but I'm paying almost 30% of commission for loading the money I need for leaving

I may not know all of the facts surrounding my procrastination with the cars I got I haven't purchased any car was your first is a mistake

Monday, November 25, 2013

Life balance thought soup

Current idea set visible by me:
- balancing sports vs sitting life style
- having distortion free and high intensity healthy zones of work
- family: high priority

Life balance thought soup

Current idea set visible by me:
- balancing sports vs sitting life style
- balancing 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

The purpose of these blog

Hi everybody I glad that you are eating my blog I would like to explain you purpose why I am writing baselines how do I create the content place but what is Mike wide lines or motivation for writing what whatever in these blog I always believed that computer systems and all the devices I hold he's just a great way to express thoughts and there is a lots of wonderful forms in which you can express your thoughts blockages the one of them I could describe my daily experiences just by talking and telling the world what I feel is a lots of text you read everyday why do you have to read my blog well let's begin with the fact that you don't have to read it at all because reading these blogs can be very painful just because I'm not taking care of it that all Indies article I just wanted to open you some of CVG's behind how he's going to read they are reading without really good care just by using Siri assistant where whatever speech to text engine such as Dragon dictate all the text reading right now was dictated automatically recognized and was not edited by me toll I just lifted the way you could see it without reading it without any corrections made to make text look like very well proofread it so I'm having lots of thoughts and begin the most important pop generally will take over the world and possible future

The decentralized currencies are my best hope and the most astonishing opportunity and advantage which I've ever heard for the whole life I love everything about them I would store all of my money in the cryptic currencies and I will pull all of my earning capacity in these currency because the fate in such currency just way higher than regular 100% I believe in those currencies with bottom of my heart yeah you may think it's very unusual and Siri maybe just because because you probably don't believe in those currencies but I think that in order to peeled technological future they must be sitting technology hunting all of the resources we have on the world PR the people who choose decentralized systems are not willing to go with the world we are achieving by our own ideas we aren't going to support anyone who diffuse from using those standards which is innovated BIOS within but since a decent decentralization field that's it

Decentralized systems trade platforms website services and other essential information transferring protocols
Any software development process is very complicated thing it's a Toshi Nakamoto dude came with suction well formed cryptography protocol for the Bitcoin doesn't matter that you don't have to design very well systems for the other platforms such as Amazon eBay ideas of social networks ideas of many other implications which you could half from the cryptography which use for decentralization the hall was a platform to make the Waltway easier to process information without using centralized servers

Everyone will be paying TAXES rent fee for government in Bitcoin

In a post fiat currencies era, there will be huge demands in crypto currencies. How government can benefit from such threatening things like bitcoin? Many people argue over such hijportant things as what governments gonna do, how they gonna survive within that awful technologies. We'll answer is simple:

When bitcoin will get mainstream, to survive government have no choice but start identifying who lives on the controlled territory and who is paying the most of taxes.

New, far more aggressive tyranny begins:
- While in bitcoin era the greatest difficulty is finding out, who earns the most of money, that's why again poor people will pay to system: in order to live on territory of specific government, everyone will must start paying fee, something like a rent, but a must rent

Taxes for land
Every property owner on that country will be paying according to lands he owns - so the most load on fees for taxes will fall on the owners of the earth.

Gathering taxes with bitcoin is not a problem, but it will take extra measure from government regulators to make it efficient. And that will take a lots of force and efficiency.

That's gonna take forever but it worths it, the end resulting in destruction of monopolies like fed are coming soon.

Yes as a citizen you must pay government monster some money by force - but that's a necessary measure for economical stability of regulators who provide the security as well - those are the same people who's taking responsibility for global events, disasters, invaders. The same scheme as with fiat money but less fees paid for dishonest people and less control over the government money.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Minimum sized problems

11/10/2013 met with k7, purchased an iPad mini
11/11/2013 preparing everything I need for flawless work in call center for Niyaz
11/12/2013 trying to went to next level of sales by working on call-center, fixing a lots of trifles along the way -!too much minimum sized problems adre gettingn on the way. Things like unlimited SIM card. Seriously thinking about improving a nutrition. Decided to start working at 9am
11/13/2013 instead started working at 5 pm,made 3 sales which is pretty gord 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Most important stuff to keep in head about telemarketing

1. Wish to sell. Very often I find myself coming to call center because its just funny. Because I just like to prank customers. But that's never ending well in results. When I started my career as telemarketer, I remember the guys next to me: I didn't thought that his accent will let him sell, because he sounded funny rather than serious to me. Only after hours of working with him I understood that he was way to serious about results and doesn't even matter that all the other losers around him made fun about his weird accent. He did really excellent results at the end of the day - I believe it's because he got unstoppable wish to sell.
2. The ability to focus. Focusing on job is not allowing any distractions to get in the ways to get the job done. Including the process of preparing your workplace - for some people it takes too long to get used to new environment caused by any changes that has been made to the order of usual things in call center. That's also the ability to being productive inspire of any changes that occur in your job.
3. Ability to close the deal. Very often I tend to put a client to potential list, when all I need is without ending a conversation to ask customer to decide right away about the offer. That's again all about a wish to sell.
4. Hearing yourself. Sometimes it's very useful to ask yourself: do I say bloody bullocks to people or not.
5. Ability to invest into your workplace. Even if you are hired employee, don't expect an employer to take care about all of your essential tools you need for successful calling - get your own inventory of things you need on your workplace - finally it's essential things! without providing yourself those tools immediately, you may end up loosing too much time in a hassle.
6. Never being tired about learning new sales techniques. If you work hard to improve in every aspect, then one day you may find out that you work twice faster!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Skype Girls IDs



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Fresh Skype IDs can be found in this fresh links (SEARCH Skype IDs, THEY ARE INSIDE THIS ARTICLES). Sorted by dates:
*   NEW!   06/21/2014 - IMPORTANT: this girls wants to know the source where you are coming from - before trying to call or chat with her, send her the link where you found her!
* 06/11/2014 - IMPORTANT: this girls wants to know the source where you are coming from - before trying to call or chat with her, send her the link where you found her!





UPDATE! from Aug 6, 2014


This girls posted their Skype IDs on July 1st, 2014 (Highly outdated! Most of them are OFFLINE)

   JOIN THIS SITE -------------->   

        if you wish more girls and better service! ^_^        

Each time we try to gather more girls contacts, but its a time consuming process.
You can share your thoughts about conversations with these girls you had in comments. Also you can vote for girls, they are watching this web-page too.

Deadlock password combinations

Here's very useful method of generating huge passwords with non-standard symbols. Each number represents phrase which is known only by me. This way a person could remember password for everything. I suppose that's the most awesome way to protect yourself everywhere. Its like combining 10 of your passwords without letting the server known how you do it.
0 - Rh823
1 - Rh238
2 - Rh283
3 - Ju
4 - 06
5 - Se
6 - 09
7 - 23
8 - 100
9 - 108
You can even find the way of leaving note for every registration you make on the Internet

Friday, November 1, 2013

In case if network difficulty will rise x3 every month


October 400
November 1200
December 3600

January 10800
February 32400
March 97200
April 291600
May 874800
June 2624400
July 7873200
August 23619600
September 70858800
November 212576400
December 637729200

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Skype Girls IDs



UPDATE: Fresh Skype IDs can be found in this fresh links (SEARCH Skype IDs, THEY ARE INSIDE THIS ARTICLES).Sorted by dates:
06/11/2014BANANA IMPORTANT: this girls want to know the source where you are coming from - before trying to call or chat with her, send her the link where you found her!

This girls posted their Skype IDs on July 1st, 2014 (Highly outdated! Most of them are OFFLINE)


Linux from a management standpoint. Why you should hate Linux.

Many folk who deal with services on a daily basis are brainwashed with those stories like "Haha - look at this guy, he's keeping all of his servers on Windows", or "Sorry sir but we won't setup a server for you on this shit" (when I'm trying to get help from a freelancers for setting up VoIP service on my Windows Server).
I'm totally love Linux, and I'm even can call myself a Linux fanboy, and yes Linux systems are great for big companies, where even a little lack of stability breaks the productivity and couldn't be afforded.
But from the standpoint of someone who just need a working solution, when somebody says "Don't even look at Windows when you try to setup a Web-Server / FTP / VoIP / or something else", its like trying to close your eyes, close the door for the opportunity: it tries to take you away from the truth that sometimes you don't need such a great quality or response from your server.
I have a story - during 10 years I've had my own ISP service with over 200 customers in the area which used my server as the way to connect to the Internet, and the paid me money for that. Yes Internet connection was creepy, and server was unstable, but money was REAL, and I got a lots of money from such unhappy customers (whcih probably wasn't that unhappy as I exaggerate)
And those business with ISP I've had failed only because of one reason: lack of marketing. Why did I failed at marketing? Because of Linux users who brainedwashed me that I have to spend much of my time trying to provide users with greater quality, while the only thing my Local Area Network required me to do - is to connect much more users! That's stupid, isn't it? So the moral for the service/IT manager's standpoint is: USE Linux, only if you've got a LOTS of MONEY, and LOTS of CUSTOMERS, or if you have a BIG COMPANY. Linux is a complete solution, but not for the start ups, and is not definitely cheapest way. Its just the best way which requires too much efforts
P.S. I found Axon Virtual PBX Windows solution for my VoIP service which I wanted to have at my another start up company, and I'm so happy with it now, since I had a whole weeks of procrastination just because I had no ways of making calls through exclusive internal VoIP service which my agents needed so much.

Tips&Tricks: Best way to avoid mistake when you purchase your first car

  • Earl Fox

    Throughout all the time I analysed the purchasing decisions around cars: 1) I loved and wanted little car such as Daewoo Matiz (which has only 0.8 liters engine), 2) Ural (Rimma's Husband) purchased Daewoo Matiz (as you remember, that was a credit, now what he has - a 5 years old car, 3) Many people love purchasing cheapest versions of cars and they hate used cars (because they can buy only new ones)
  • Earl Fox
    Earl Fox

    so here we have picture: when you want to purchase a car, you usually looking for a best car. Everybody wants less hassle with repairs, and more joy of driving without any problems and the most comfort.
    Now the Daewoo Matiz costs here around $7000 when you purchase basic version (in Russia we have very poor basic versions due to greedy auto-dealers - they remove everything they can from the cheapest versions of cars)
    If you purchase Daewoo Matiz here in credit, that's extra fee: around $2000
    so I believe Ural at his time paid around $9000 for his car
    Rasheet purchased a new car for $15000 including all fees
    I believe its a dumb decision to purchase a new car
    at least for Russia, because here in Russia basic versions aren't worth their prices: both Ural & Rasheet paid huge amount of money for their car, and here's why:
  • Earl Fox
    Earl Fox

    1) Ural, because he got very small car, which is very limited if you compare it to regular cars (especially if you talk about Russian winters) + cheapest cars here in Russia are usually well... they are cheap that means they have a poor quality and more often end up at expensive repairs
  • Earl Fox
    Earl Fox

    2) Rasheet (he paid too much money for his loan as I believe), his car is better, but since he got basic version, he loses many comfort stuff
    Now recently I've found out that the best deal it is purchasing a USED car, which is not older than 3-4 years, and which is fully equipped. And car should be by its class not the smallest, not the worst brand, it should be average
    as example it could be Scoda Fabia as Rasheet did, but maximum version (fully equipped) or it could be Chevrolet Lacetti
    or something else
    reason why I think so, because I've found out that most cars which is 2-3 years old are good enough in their condition (as new)
    also its good to check how much miles that car driven
    and its good to check if the car are sold by trustworthy seller (the best sellers are women, because they're careful with their cars)
    And women are usually don't drive that much as man
    I'll mention some deal which I saw with my own eyes: For example fully equipped Chevrolet Lacetti here in Russia costs around $17,000 while basic version costs only $14,000.
    What version do you think its better to purchase: the one for $17,000 (fully equipped) or the one for $14,000 (empty one)
    I think none of them deserves attention
    the best way to purchase car worth of $17,000
    is finding 3 years old used car of the same model which costs $17,000 as new
    and such used car in a good condition will cost you only $11,000!!!
    That is ridiculous money for such a wonderful choice!
    $11,000 is very close to what Ural has purchased!
    (extra $2,000)
    So as always there is two BOLD things which make stuff very expensive:
  • Earl Fox
    Earl Fox

    1) "I WANT ONLY NEW CAR" or "IF YOU WILL PURCHASE A USED CAR, YOU WILL REGRET" INABILITY OF PEOPLE TO MAKE A GOOD CHOICES IN A USED MARKET. THEREFORE THEY PURCHASE "ONLY NEW" - this type of people can try to persuade you to "never" deal with USED car, because they think that all used cars are creepy - but that's not true, that's just an excuse for their inability to make the right choices 2) "I WANT IT NOW". Inability of people to collect money. Mostly the people who purchase stuff in credit, they end up in paying a lots of fees for the banks for providing a credit. The cause - is absence of discipline. Yeah it takes HUGE amount of discipline when it comes to saving for a new car. HUGE AMOUNTS!!!
  • Earl Fox
    Earl Fox

    this two points are both generated by the weakness of a person
    1) technical weakness 2) weakness of self-discipline
    and that's where companies do A LOTS OF MONEY!
    because at the age 25-30-35 people who never had a car gets HIGHLY DEPRESSED
    that they couldn't managed to save enough money for a car
    that's when they make a choice "I WANT IT NOW! AND I WANT THE BEST OPTION"
    last sentence contains two mental mistakes - willing to get now, and willing the best option (the best option will never happen, because the best option is very expensive if you purchase it a new)
    and willing the best option doesn't means purchasing the newest car, it just means being picky about choosing USED car
  • Earl Fox
    Earl Fox

    In other words I want a car: 1) Which is purchased for my own money, not for the CREDIT money. Because I don't like paying extra money for bank. 2) Which would cost $17,000 me as new, but I want it for the price $11,000. Because I don't like paying extra money for NEW, because 3 years later it will be the same AS the one which I'm going to purchase in a USED condition (that kind of car will have a huge amount of miles to drive without needs for repair).
  • Earl Fox
    Earl Fox

    Why I'm talking about cars so much? Because for 21st century its a HUGE deal.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Skype Girls IDs



1. nastya_kotova99

2. blackwhite237

3. kaktysiobkyren

4. ledifro

5. chernika_op

6. rassekretili_

Contents of file "C:\Program Files\wget\etc\wgetrc"

Contents of file "C:\Program Files\wget\etc\wgetrc"
OS: Windows 7

### Sample Wget initialization file .wgetrc by
## Local settings (for a user to set in his $HOME/.wgetrc).  It is
## *highly* undesirable to put these settings in the global file, since
## they are potentially dangerous to "normal" users.
## Even when setting up your own ~/.wgetrc, you should know what you
## are doing before doing so.
header = Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
header = Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
header = Connection: keep-alive
user_agent = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/24.0

robots = off

This is the contents which lets you use wget utility on the restrictive web-sites which doesn't allow robots to scrawl through their web-site

Old methods of working with command line scripting

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Grief-inventor or the story of Thomas Midgley, Jr.

" Thanks to the" inventions of this man , our planet is contaminated with lead , and the ozone layer is melting before our eyes. As one historian, "(he) had more impact on the atmosphere than any other single organism in Earth's history" ( no body in the history of the world did not cause such harm atmosphere like this man .)

Back in the 20 's of last century, one Thomas Midgley Jr. worked in a research lab at General Motors . Then one day, ( a day that would be worth noting on the calendar in black) This former engineer and now a self-taught chemist noticed that by adding a compound called tetraethyl lead in gasoline in the engine significantly reduces vibration .
Although it was already known that lead is very dangerous to humans , because in large quantities it can cause irreversible damage to the brain and central nervous system, if not fatal , it began to actively produce and used almost anywhere. "Food goes to the Bank , sealed with lead solder . The water is often stored in tanks tinned with lead . Lead arsenate as a pesticide sprayed fruits . Lead is even served on the tubes of toothpaste. It is hardly possible to find a product that does not introduce a drop of lead in the body of the consumer. But nothing could compare in scale and duration of use with the addition of a motor fuel . "

Lead is easy to extract, process, and very profitable to produce on an industrial scale . Therefore, in 1923 there was a company " Ethyl Corporation ," the purpose of which was to produce as ethyl, how the world was ready to buy.

Very soon, the workers in the factories began to manifest mental disorders - early signs of poisoning , then the workers began to die. Then the rumors spread around the country , and Thomas Midgley decided to show that ethyl harmless to health. " Effortlessly talking about the company's commitment to safety , he poured tetraethyl lead in his arms , then a full minute lifted the beaker to the nose , while claiming that no harm can repeat this procedure every day. In fact, Midgley knew about the dangers of lead poisoning. He had a few months before was severely damaged by overexposure and except for this episode , if I could, did not come close to this stuff , " * .

Bottom line: still lead so many throughout the United States , that the level of it in the body of any modern American in 625 times more than his countryman , who lived 100 years ago!

The second of his " invention" was no less of harmful or even deadly. He decided to create a gas that would be applicable in refrigerators. It is said that while the use of the refrigerator was very dangerous , because the cooling fluid used toxic substances , and sometimes leak. And Midgley invented chlorofluorocarbons , or CFCs.
If you've ever looked out of a can of air freshener or hair , you probably saw the icon depicting a hand on the ball. That is, the manufacturer wanted to tell us that its product does not contain CFCs , and therefore safe for the atmosphere.

Half a century before scientists noticed that CFCs contribute (to say the very, very much promote ) the destruction of the ozone layer in the stratosphere. " CFC ... not very much - they make up only about one- billionth of an atmosphere , taken as a whole - but they are extremely destructive. A single kilogram of CFCs can capture and destroy 70 000 kg of atmospheric ozone. CFCs remain in the atmosphere , on average about a hundred years , all the while causing great harm . In addition, they absorb heat like a sponge . CFC molecule gives ten thousand times more potent contribution to the greenhouse effect than carbon dioxide molecule - and carbon dioxide, are known to be effectively creates a greenhouse effect. In short, the CFC may eventually , perhaps, be one of the worst inventions of the twentieth century " * .

But this is not the end of history.
In 1940, he contracted poliomyelitis and was disabled , but the spirit of invention and not left it there . He invented a device that raises and turns it into a bed. Some years the system worked correctly, but in 1944 he became entangled in the ropes and was strangled by them .

That's such an unusual end in such a sad story.

* Bill Bryson's " A Short History of Nearly Everything in the world ", page 180

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Bitcoin is not a GOLD, it is more like REAL ESTATE!

Maybe hundred years from now, technological evolution will let computers crack Bitcoin wallets & blockchains, but the will happen only like 50 or maybe even 150 years from now.
In this sense you could consider Bitcoin as a property. The strength of cryptography behind Bitcoin is a factor defining longevity of house. Houses are deteriorating during the time, but Bitcoins concept deteriorate only during human technological progress.

Once houses are destroyed, residents are usually move to other properties. The same case with Bitcoin: once cryptocurrency won't fit security measures, world will just find an alternative cryptocurrency which fits new cryptography standards.

Monday, October 21, 2013

1. Your relationship with Google

Delightful concepts of time. Inspired by Adelle

Here's what. I am and my sister spoke about this before she and the whole family moved to United States. I suppose she remembers this talk too. She told me about this idea in ~2009-2010, while I am first time got this idea in ~2004-2005.

I don't remember many details but here's few of them I remember clearly: We were hurrying somewhere.
We were terribly doing some things real quick because we wanted to perform more great activities.
And she's shared with me her idea: she told me that if we gonna hurry up to do good things every minute of our life, then probably we would get done everything we wanted to get done in our life.

That's it. That was the idea. Our another concept of time. Maybe its not new. Its certainly not new. At the time we spoke about this my age was around 19 and her age was 16. But that's our feeling of time. That is a starting point for the right understanding of time properties and our abilities.

And since I haven't dedicated the time back then to talk about this with her, I would like get chance to respond to my sister today with the ways I would continue this topic:

Timing Value in Logistics

Logistics is a word from a corporate world. But logistics is just awesome way to describe our usual lives too.
There is a logistics behind everything we do in our lives. When somebody tells you that you aren't organized enough, it could be isn't a problem of your mind or thinking capabilities, it could be because of lack of proper logistics.
Logistics as scientific topic is the way to properly allocate resources and many other life components which defines the quality of performed tasks and overall quality of live too. It is not only the way we deliver value to the world everyday. It is also the way the others help you to improve the ways you can deliver values.


At some point my sister was even upset, disoriented and mad at me that I'm too obsessed with that word. We were talking about the ways we can increase our speed to perform daily operations, but so many times we forget about necessity to be efficient. There is too little time allocated every day for each one of us, and not being 100% or even 101% better every second just isn't affordable, especially when you're full of energy!


Managing is everything to me. Without managing there's nothing. Managing is being wise. Managing is using your head (intelligence). Managing is when you're finding the ways. Managing is when you're making things possible. Managing is when you are organizing something. Managing is making a difference.

Choose The Right

Too many of people don't pay attention to the ways they spend their time. Yeah, of course I'm not the one who's going to choose how they should feel about it, but I believe that its never enough. Life is cruel. And difficult. Let's face it. And labor maybe won't cure you completely, and faith, prayer and many other virtues aren't always look like the right thing to do right now, but the fact is that we're never doing enough. I'm not telling that we are stupid, but as humans we can't get it done perfectly anyway, since we're not machines, and we're definitely are not Jesus. But we must put every effort to become like him. And yeah, sometimes it means that we have to become almost the way strong as machines.

Why I'm telling right now that 100% isn't enough? Because that what it takes to perform things fast every minute of your life, the way I and my sister dreamed and talked about.

Reacting fast everyday would take you to the next level, but you have to be thoughtful. And fast.

And yeah, I would add: and you shouldn't make any mistakes. But its not possible. And even though its not possible, nobody says you can't try it again without mistakes. Yes, it will take more time to give any activity a try. But getting things done is very important. If you think that you must get something done, then you must do everything you can to make it happen, right?

Getting Things Done

In order to apply the rule which we had at the moment we spoke about the speed of actions, there's also very important thing: maybe you can do things fast, but if you're doing wrong things fast, then it is useless. Every second of life spent on achieving something shouldn't be wasted. Yeah its behind our control. And we can't remember where we spent every second of our lives. But we must try to remember important things. And we must try to cover our lives efficiency at the scale of seconds.