Monday, July 28, 2014

The Marketing Future. Price Networks

There is a few facts you usually count when you're plan the sales management:
* Connection Price. If you choose the price bellow connection price, you are offering easier way to connect, but at the same time easy connection (or low) price could cause market to defunct parts of networks to be unable to meet the same low price due to their high expenditures. Connection price also could be higher connection price - sometimes customers may not notice that, and sometimes when it is higher than some reasonable point customer will notice that, and that also will affect their decision, whether they are able to connect to your product or not by purchasing it once or by choosing to purchase it repetitively.
* Internal Value Correlation with Network Fee / Employee Fee. In the modern world the employees are connected to the business inside of price networks. The top level managers are usually iterating and playing with this network model in order to form the right fee paid to end-line marketers. The efforts are huge at this point.
* The ability of the subsidiary network to connect dots between the market & their employees. That sounds like a pretty hard task. But it really doesn't that hard when the tools are known & discovered. Known & Provided in the form of TurnKey solution.


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