Sunday, July 21, 2013

[qwsfx] My strategies on saving

The first thing I learned about saving is that its easier to save rather than earn money.
The second thing is: since saving is so important, why I won't create the strategy on saving itself?

I can use 10X rule to multiply my efforts in saving, and in inventing the ways to save.
Another rule which works great for me is not keeping money for myself, but instantly converting it into my business asset.

How do I convert money into business assets? By purchasing stuff at the lowest possible prices and selling them at the highest possible, even if it will take longer than setting urgent cheap price.
If I always have money at hand, then it could be a huge problem, since I love to increase my expectation levels. Its natural for me. But I feel quite not ready to spend 70% of my money for the stuff which make my life easier. At this point of life, I'm spending more time to acquire way more money than I posses right now.

In order to turn money into something permanent its necessary to invest the same amount of money 125 times before you can enjoy the equal to included amount of passive income. Without accelleration it will take too collect.


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