Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Join the founders

Edwarts said: you need to join founders of our company if you want to be part of us.
I responded that I would be glad to do it and for that moment I've asked: what is the price of joining?

My Question wasn't correct. Company already contained Renee, Max, Gene, Edwarts, Marsel.

Seems like Edwarts perhaps even would be glad to show me sign that I'm accepted, but there is too much seats...

But battle isn't over yet. They could not really estimate the prospectives of this market correctly. From my standpoint of course I could also be wrong about the whole business model.

Among sharks of internal environment undoubtedly the Renee with similar to mine mindset and standpoints, but with total absense of faith into various ideas I have.

Well maybe I don't even need their industry? Maybe I would enjoy even sall part of their company or at least job at the top positions? Will I even have such a choice? (They could easily put me at the lower positions since probably I don't meet some imagined criterias)

Who they even are? The family people? The conquerers who wouldn't even had any thoughts about aggression. They aren't my enemies and they perhaps just need acomfort. What about me? Will I ever find myself? What I know for sure that I'm not really into relationships - I just don't like their model and they aren't bringing me any benefits. I'm not the familyman. I have individual goals and I believe into my value in no matter which age I'm going to achieve. I love God and I will fight for his truth until the last drop of my blood.

There's too much trash in this flowsheet - I don't see any benefit from Marsel, Max. They put only their capital, but I don't see their initiative. I've invested to my fullest possibe potential. In terms of time and idea obssessiveness. But unfortunately not in terms of money. What's wrong with me? How I can call myself a capitalist after that? Maybe after all I'm not believeing and not supporting it?

I will repeat: I am the capitalist, I'm in the top management, interovert, high class manager, innovation leader and just a person who cares about civilization thriefe.

I'm even shouldn't really think about increasing my personal level of consuming. I understand that there is other values and other measures.

I'll return to the local topic. Aging complicates my plans for building perfect life (I totally udnerstand that my life is perfect now already), since I've got exact deadlines for moving closer to my family into United States. But before I'll do it and after that I should achieve everything to the greatest possible extent - this is the only path.

Does the government even needs the business and does the business even needs the government? In a local situation I sometimes avoid trust based relationships. Without being involved into their business I afraid that I'll lose it, but I'm also afraid getting involved too since they could easily use me as a drop-chain in their complicated business-scheme. I afraid that I'll lose everything I worked under in their company (since I'm in the GoodSystems since the beggining of the foundation.

Yeah, they're good fellows - they took the risks, invested their own money (around $10k perhaps), they made it sustainable (but without me they wouldn't be able to do that!) Yeah we're friends.

I just want to explain to myself here and now why we are successful. First off, because we're young - and youth is a gift fro God. Second, I'll tell a little about my unique sales techniques I implemented in the company.

When I create our speeches for our call center staff I put my soul within them, and they're work as magic. And my soul and spirit is ratio of absurdity, absense of some kind of perfection.

By working with my employees I take an active role of someone who's gonna explain them that they should treat customers as someone infernal. Our sales team manager Renee very good at theories of all sales and has really good experience within it. But what are my experience? Mostly it is my thoughts which I found out myself while being alone (with my books).


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