Sunday, September 15, 2013

Money is not important

This phrase was said by my last girl I had a relationship with, who accused me that I'm too much absorbed in a job, that was her last words of disappointment in me.

It meant for me only one thing: she showed me that I'm too much obsessed with my business that I'm even ready to sacrifice family for making it successful: in form of such resources as money, and time. But I'm not considering it as a sacrifice most of the time. I see it as an investment. When I invest time, there's no such saving account which could be spent later.

By investing time you mostly gathering these most important three assets:
* Skills, knowledge, static information and everything brain-related. You doing a mistakes which leads to useless time waste which also teaches you in some way - but mistakes isn't necessity, its just a tool.
* Right connections (mostly it is the people you work with who also can have great or poor abilities to study, but the process is going anyway)
* Money. If you managed to save money that's becoming a valuable asset.

At the current moment I don't understand how I can think in other way? I know family deserves and requires receiving attention and money in the first place. But I can't imagine how I can handle that.

I know where such family feelings comes from. It comes from understanding that if nobody depends from you, then probably there's no reason they will help you in future. Plus the absense of relationship is the core reason of regret for many people in the middle age.

I've read a book yesterday on Amazon that currently society are rearranging in the way where going solo is okay. I'm deeply thinking about this thought. Can I live alone? Maybe that's the way I can live in future? I will die anyway, why should I waste my time and resources for a life which I probably won't like at all?
Also I should ask person who brings to home only money, and compare it to the man who brings to home only its own time.

Also read:


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