Thursday, August 8, 2013

Wild West Showdown

Just another dream...

In this one, I was some kind of detective, searching for an outlaw, dressed in some gaudy dress circa 1867. Eventually I found my man, but instead of simply taking him in, I convinced him that I was madly in love with him, and at one point, I found myself at a public announcement of our engagement, with people taking pictures whilst I stood by him with an axe in one hand.

A colleague of mine thought better of my scheme and tried to persuade me that what I was doing was a dangerous game, but I laughed off her worries and continued my work, hacking away at a petrified tree. When she noticed that the tree was petrified, and therefore made of rock, not wood, she told me that my efforts were in vain, and although I wished I had a hammer and chisel instead of the axe I was now using, I stubbornly kept at it, eventually severing some piece of the stone.

Next, I was being fitted for a gown, and someone else was doing my makeup, but all the while I was thinking, wow, my hair looks greasy, but they've already done my makeup. There must be a way I can hide the greasiness without showering. Maybe some gel...

That's when I woke up, sincerely hoping that I hadn't already put makeup on this morning. I was relieved to find that I had not.


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