Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Debunking 9/11 conspiracy

Steel begins losing strength above ~400° C; most structural steel loses half their strength ~600° C. That's bad news if you are trying to support a heavy load. However, NIST says the root cause of failure in WTC 7 is from expansion of the (horizontal) floor beams, which pushed the girder holding P79 aside & also led to the floors collapsing. NIST can have it both ways.
You won't trust anything but NIST, a non-regulatory federal agency within the U.S. Commerce Department's Technology Administration?
Main question: If this is a controlled demolition, why is ANYTHING left standing after the initial collapse?

Reminder: No amount of thermite has ever been used to take down a building. Ever. Why? Because you need stupid amounts of it to do any damage.
Reminder: No proof of anything (be it non-existant "energy weapons", or whatever else you'd like to trot out) but the airliner crashes and the resulting fires has ever been found.

9/11 truthers are some of the most hypocritical people I've ever come across. They want people to "open their minds", yet they are so closed minded to any evidence that disproves their claims, or they incorporate it into a new theory. They call people who don't believe them sheep, yet they blindly believe anything another CT tells them, and fact-check nothing. And, most disgustingly, they say they fight for the victims, yet in reality, they are distorting and retelling their lives and death. Yes, there were no death rays involved that day but rather jets were used to attack buildings by terrorists causing the deaths of many people. And, furthermore, there is no documented proof that went through any standard scientific research protocol that found thermite/nanothermite in the debris. The studies that were properly done found none. But, hey, I don't expect anything from these people anymore.

The towers, which were designed using 1960s technology, were not designed to withstand multiple commercial jet impacts, though subsequent analysis implies they probably could survive them. However, the crash assumption is that the aircraft would be moving slowly & on low fuel, because who in their right mind would intentionally ram a jet at full speed into a building? Regardless, the towers did, indeed, survive the impacts, actually coming to rest while upright. NIST are not a criminal investigation body, the FBI are though. The use of explosives in public is illegal so you expect NIST the be the ones to test for explosives over the FBI? does that sounds sensible in any way to you mousey? doesn't make sense to me but then again I'm rational, you will believe whatever Dylan Avery tells you to, though if you want to keep up he has changed his story now too so you may want to check up on that.

All these explosions are random. An actual CD does not use random explosions. It would be pointless to detonate explosions randomly. Lots of non-explosives explode in fires, but they do so randomly. The fact that the explosions were random tells us the explosions are the natural effects of fires, not CD. Lots of things explode due to fires. Random explosions simply mean the fires are making ordinary office materials explode. That's common in any structure fire, but when we have 110 1-acre sized floors, we should expect a lot more and bigger explosions.
"After the initial blast, Housing Authority worker Barry Jennings, 46, reported to a command center on the 23rd floor of 7 World Trade Center. He was with Michael Hess, the city's corporation counsel, when they felt and heard another explosion [the collapse of the north tower]. First calling for help, they scrambled downstairs to the lobby, or what was left of it. "I looked around, the lobby was gone. It looked like hell," Jennings said."
Det and initiating cord links all the explosives together, see all the wires whenever anyone talks about controlled demolitions? We are talking things that were used in 2001 and even if a wireless detonator was used the explosives are still wired together and there would still be a ton of evidence that would be clear for anyone to see.
Not to mention all the drywall that would have to have been ripped out, hauled off and new hauled in, hung, taped, painted. And no one noticed? Not possible! There isn't the slightest indication of demolition. Poor truthers, they have no case.

Color of smoke can be deceptive. Humans die if O2 below 12%, but fires burn down to 3%. The fact that witnesses were walking around near fire means the fires were not oxygen starved.
The effect of burning jet fuel was to set large areas of WTC 1/2 on fire. Ordinary office fires burn up to 1000° C, & WTC 1/2 had 1-acre floors of office furnishings. Temperatures of 800° C weaken steel by half and melt aluminum.