Friday, August 8, 2014

OpenBazaar. This is going to be huge!

No doubt! Imagine CraigsList only with reputation scores. Imagine how much more popular it would be if people could be reasonably sure that the person they are doing business with will deal with them honorably. You see a news story from time to time about how some trusting and not very bright person tries to buy or sell something that's expensive on craigslist and then they either get shot or hurt when the other party turns out to be a criminal. In situations like Open Bazaar however, people will have a good reason to nurture and grow their reputation score so you'll be vastly more assured that the other party will deal straight with you. With reputation scores it will become more profitable for people to act with honor and provide good customer service. And when someone has a blank profile it will give the other party a warning that the person might not be trustworthy so he can take greater precautions when he deals with such a person.
I'm telling you pal, this is going to be huge! The pent up demand for something like this is enormous! And when the system becomes available and dependable it will spread like wildfire, bringing freedom and prosperity back to our people.
Currently that productivity is stifled by government but systems like this will free it up and allow it to explode into a new gray economy, an economy free of oppressive controls, where a 13 year old who wants to do some yard work will be able to make some money if he wants (knowing that his employer is trustworthy and fair) and an old guy like me can get some help with is yard when he's too dam tired to do what needs to be done. Dude! This is going to be huge!


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