We're running out of IP addresses for a very long time. There's a huge deficit for IP addresses.
IPv6 is something which is next logical step, but compatibility issues frighten software engineers & that's why nothing happens.
Ok, but the issue isn't only such resources as IP addresses.
Because IP addresses are virtual issue.
But there is such a scenario in next few decades that we're still using IPv4. This may happen if companies like Apple won't control software/hardware market. Because while closed architectures like Apple's App Store iOS MacOS software is a step back & not really scientific approach, they might be pretty popular in next decades, because people are stupid & they need ready product which "scientists" community lacks of providing.
1) If "scientists" community will be strong at GUI's & UI's, most likely users will choose Open Source
2) If people have chosen open source & public consensus, then no incentive for transferring from IPv4 to IPv6, because everybody's happy even with restricted amounts of IP addresses.
How does that affects nerds.
1) With trillions of Internet devices, there will be competing for IPv4 space & each IP address will cost indefinite amount of money which probably nerd won't affford.
2) That means that no more home servers / no more other individual per IP private projects...
3) That means welcome to the NAT. More tools for NAT will be necessary & especially the ones which increases the demand in the token networks with increased privacy - the kinds of networks which helps building decentralized network services.
IPv6 is something which is next logical step, but compatibility issues frighten software engineers & that's why nothing happens.
Ok, but the issue isn't only such resources as IP addresses.
Because IP addresses are virtual issue.
But there is such a scenario in next few decades that we're still using IPv4. This may happen if companies like Apple won't control software/hardware market. Because while closed architectures like Apple's App Store iOS MacOS software is a step back & not really scientific approach, they might be pretty popular in next decades, because people are stupid & they need ready product which "scientists" community lacks of providing.
1) If "scientists" community will be strong at GUI's & UI's, most likely users will choose Open Source
2) If people have chosen open source & public consensus, then no incentive for transferring from IPv4 to IPv6, because everybody's happy even with restricted amounts of IP addresses.
How does that affects nerds.
1) With trillions of Internet devices, there will be competing for IPv4 space & each IP address will cost indefinite amount of money which probably nerd won't affford.
2) That means that no more home servers / no more other individual per IP private projects...
3) That means welcome to the NAT. More tools for NAT will be necessary & especially the ones which increases the demand in the token networks with increased privacy - the kinds of networks which helps building decentralized network services.