Monday, September 29, 2014

Constructing the IPv4 future

We're running out of IP addresses for a very long time. There's a huge deficit for IP addresses.
IPv6 is something which is next logical step, but compatibility issues frighten software engineers & that's why nothing happens.

Ok, but the issue isn't only such resources as IP addresses.
Because IP addresses are virtual issue.

But there is such a scenario in next few decades that we're still using IPv4. This may happen if companies like Apple won't control software/hardware market. Because while closed architectures like Apple's App Store iOS MacOS software is a step back & not really scientific approach, they might be pretty popular in next decades, because people are stupid & they need ready product which "scientists" community lacks of providing.

1) If "scientists" community will be strong at GUI's & UI's, most likely users will choose Open Source
2) If people have chosen open source & public consensus, then no incentive for transferring from IPv4 to IPv6, because everybody's happy even with restricted amounts of IP addresses.

How does that affects nerds.
1) With trillions of Internet devices, there will be competing for IPv4 space & each IP address will cost indefinite amount of money which probably nerd won't affford.
2) That means that no more home servers / no more other individual per IP private projects...
3) That means welcome to the NAT. More tools for NAT will be necessary & especially the ones which increases the demand in the token networks with increased privacy - the kinds of networks which helps building decentralized network services.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Best YouTube Channels 2014


  • Best News Reporters who make quality reports about for news about Bitcoin:
    • SophieCo
    • BreakingTheSet

    Friday, September 26, 2014

    Offer Bitcoin discounts to increase adoption rates. Bitcoin go to the moon!

    Both services & products must go cheaper. If all the economy products are cheaper, the customers can afford purchasing more. When you're dumping the prices, you're dominating the market. Some of your competitors will want to cut your head for lowering prices.
    Don't be greedy. Most remote workers are ready to have some stable payments even if that will mean doing some cheaper jobs, or some stable online jobs, but this stability rarely provided in any free-lance market. If you give everyone a stability in free-lance market, probably then there will be more people who's willing to work for cheaper rates at your freelance marketplace. Everybody sets fixed prices at the freelance markets - nobody among workers want to make a discount, because they know there's not a lots of jobs available & half of their time will be spent to search free-lance jobs, and part of that time/money will be spent to inefficient means of money transferring for their job + freelance board commission. If you would remove all of such obstacles, then there wouldn't be such problems. And that's about freelancing.
    Now let's talk about products.
    Yeah this sounds very abstract. But Bitcoin is all about costs. 1) Cheaper costs of running Bitcoin network; 2) Cost of producing goods (doesn't matter real or virtual); 3) Replacing the whole systems & logistics with Bitcoin oriented economical optimizing
    Many businesses in the world are employing the business model 1 to 10% expenditures for raw material, 80% for management - that gives you that price tags like $100, $1000 and such product prices. There's so many things in such categories which could cost cheaper, but due to market sizes/high management costs they can't be make cheaper, even though customers wouldn't mind pay cheaper!
    I mean that all operational expenses could be cut. Entrepreneurship is being keen/flexible enough to provide competitive prices. E.g. before Internet servers wasn't popular everybody thought that normal shared web-hosting will cost at least $10 per month or bigger, but once we found out that quality of computers are growing, we don't feel like to pay for shared web-hosting at all. We can get the same quality of prices for $1.
    The same revolution is have to be made about everything: current herbalife protein power costs around $40, original viagra costs $20. I have some strong belief that I should be able to order both of those things in the form of generic stuff, and I think this is a wonderful thing. Imagine yourself ordering some generic Indian herbalife for $3 (delivery included). Without Bitcoin & without OpenBazaar such things seemed impossible. With Bitcoin - it is obvious.
    There's nothing wrong with decreasing the prices. All of those who's saying that you have to make your time cost more money, and that's correct thought. But that doesn't mean that you're always have to increase your prices. Make product massive, dominate on low-price markets!
    If at Bitcoin shops we provide cheaper prices but only for Bitcoin customers that could be decisive factor for Bitcoin adoption speed.
    So don't be greedy, and start making customers loyal to your business, offer them discounts, but only if they're transacting in Bitcoin. In my opinion world can become better place if we follow this patterns. I think its time to fight monopolies. Patent monopolies, Product monopolies, Marketing/Management monopolies, Logistics monopolies - they are everywhere! And its time to take over the world. Bitcoin to the moon!

    Thursday, September 18, 2014

    Добро пожаловать в самую продвинутую страну по Биткойнам

    Россия, это страна возможностей. Страна денежных суррогатов, поршкаенов, административного ресурса, областной прокуратуры. Никакой диктатуры. Основной язык сайта Earl Fox рассчитан на англоязычную аудиторию, потому что им тоже интересно, каковы наши успехи в наладке платёжной инфраструктуры в нашей стране. На русском языке здесь будет представлено достаточно много ресурсов важных для тех, кто впервые познакомился с Биткойнами.

    Как получить Биткойн? 
    Самые актуальные & надёжные ресурсы покупки и продажи Биткоинов для России
    • Самый простой способ это Сайт позволяет обменивать ваши QIWI, Сбербанк, Яндекс.Деньги, WebMoney и любые другие неотменимые платежи на Биткоины и обратно за считанные секунды, надёжно - без необходимости доверять кому-либо. Регистрация на сайте очень простая за считанные секунды можно как купить, так и продать Биткоины. Забудьте про другие обменники - это самый актуальный обменник на текущий день, и все обменники базирующиеся на таком принципе в конечном итоге преуспеют. Я и многие другие называют данный тип обменников P2P. Вот ещё обменники, актуальные для России, которые работают по такому же принципу:
      • - У WebMoney есть существенный недостаток - эта компания позволяет вам работать с Биткоинами только в том случае, если у вас имеется аттестат не ниже начального (который стоит около 300 рублей) - а это лишние бюрократические сложности, а также WebMoney имеет принудительный холд для всех ваших Биткоин средств - 24 часа. Вот так они любят Биткоин. Да, очень удобно покупать и продавать WMX на WebMoney, но мало того что сама система сложна, вам ещё приходится и ждать пока вам вернут ваши Биткоины из обращения WebMoney 24 часа. Не очень дружелюбно по отношению к пользователям. А ведь аттестат проверяют нотариально.

    Tears come up when I see how many opportunities we missed

    The best years of my life were spent working as a freelancer for US companies & other English speaking companies around the world. I was one of the most successful freelancers in my city for a very long time, because I never was greedy about engineering the paycheck coming to my country from closed systems such as PayPal, Google AdSense & many American companies - who was very often very limited at their abilities to send anything to Russia.

    Today, while having significant earnings coming from Google AdSense - I still have to spend hours & days to withdraw this funds, because all the methods Google provides me aren't reliable & not easy at all.

    For freelance folks like me, Bitcoin is not only groundbreaking. Its the matter of survival.

    The cheaper Bitcoins are, the less time we have

    The Bitcoins are restricted. In 2020 we will have only 6 BTC as a mining rewarding & 18 million Bitcoins which is very close to 21 million limit.

    But the quantities of forgotten Bitcoins are much greater than you think. According to my math I made by my own blockchain analysis - there's 6 million Bitcoins lost (!).

    Today we have 13 million Bitcoins - minus 6 million lost. Minus 3 million of those people who will never withdraw their Bitcoins - that means 13-6-3=4 million Bitcoins in circulation.

    Only 4 million Bitcoins in circulation WTF?!? Even less, because there's around 2 million among those 4, who will never withdraw their Bitcoins for next 12 months.

    Those price tag which you see for Bitcoin at Google or BitcoinWisdom or anywhere else only showing you what people think it should be. Those who sell their Bitcoins has no measure - they're thinking like this "$412 for 1 Bitcoin is still great price, because I've spent nothing on this". And believe me anyone who sells their Bitcoins now at such price - it is mostly this kind of people. And there's plenty of them. Now. But not in future, because when they will meet physical barrier, or fiscal deficit of Bitcoins, that's when their theories about Bitcoin will collide & that's when the price will go crazy.