Monday, April 21, 2014

Maximum usage of daily hours

Am I right that I need it? Right where I am right now tells me that I don't need it: there is such a lazy voice inside of me, who's always telling me: stop it! you must go to sleep when you want and you must start working at where you want and when you want. Again that things: the place which I want, the time which I want. All of those things are my wishes.

But if I go back to all of my problems: the problems with previous employers are caused by their inability to go intact with my day/night schedule. Poor employers, friends, business partners was faced my inability to control how much I work - quality of work, and negotiating my working hours. They couldn't do it, just because I didn't wanted to force myself working like that.

But on the other hand: did they offered me anything great? Yes the whole opportunity to become independent is great, the whole opportunity to earn together - that word together was always probably my problem of understanding, of economic model.

Back to my current schedule: its really time to make some adjustments. Here what I wanna say - since I'm independent now: I need to use the full extent of these days from 22.04.2014 to 27.04.2014. This means I should bring results during that dates.

Только я знаю, что могу

Эту фразу Лок (сериал Lost) повторял вновь и вновь, каждый раз когда кто-либо пытался рассказать ему о том, что он не может пойти в поход, из-за того что он в инвалидной коляске. В разговоре с его боссом Лок упомянул одного альпиниста которому ампутировали ноги, и который всё же покорил Эверест.
Первые 4 серий сериала "Остаться в живых" подчеркивали силу некоторых персонажей, таких как Джек (врач), который мужественно спасал людей и всегда делал только правильные вещи. В конце четвертой серии с интересной личностью и качествами появляется Лок - лично меня впечатлило то, как он пошел один в лес, бросив раненного черного друга (отца Уолта) с Кейт, Лок в конце концов принес добычу. А в глубине леса было показано, что Лок всё-таки увидел того самого монстра (в этой серии монстра еще не показали, но показали удивленный взгляд Лока, который на тот момент уставился на что-то появившееся перед ним с устрашающими звуками того монстра), которого на тот момент никто не видел. В тот момент когда он возращался с добычей мне в какой-то момент пришло в голову, что у него были свои отношения с этим монстром - возможно монстр не убил Лока в тот момент когда он встретил его, потому что монстр видел, что такой человек ему может пригодиться (в последнем сезоне он и вправду пригодился Монстру).
И вот эта фраза на мой взгляд звучит очень вдохновляюще! Ведь правда, может быть и есть такие вещи в жизни, которые уже не получится изменить при всём желании, потому что таковы разумные обстоятельства. Однако если же думать о неких испытываемых мною повседневными трудностями - данный пример Лока просто открывает глаза на то, что ведь если поставить высокую, возможно даже самую неукротимую цель и добиваться ее с ужасающей периодичностью и той же смелостью с которой Лок говорил ту фразу указанную в названии этого поста, тогда может быть чудо и вправду произойдет?

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Yolo, the relatives

You know that weird circumstances when you have to move out back to your parents or relatives. Its the weird feeling that you are returned to your cave, your apartment. Do you have a good relations with your parents/relatives/other dear or close people you lived with for a very long time in past. Are they glad that you've returned? For most of us, not. They may smile, may seem very happy, but deep inside you're remembering a lots of embarrassing moments from the past. Maybe you want to forget most of those moments. And while you are staying in those house, you're keep remembering those good and not very good moments, finally doesn't matter what kind of moments, since it is the past already - and when you having a good time talking to your relatives again, in a talk, in a look and in any other gestures they are keep showing you how not logical it is living with you, future with all that happened in past. That is keeps following you for a long time.

And you know those weird moment, that when you came to your old house, your relatives are got older. For some of you they're got older to the extent where morality edge is touching the border where it is unethical to even speak to that old person. You are just becoming such a burden, you are enormously unwelcome, you are kind of thing of despair, you are the child who haven't grown up yet, who needs an advises about how to grow up. And sure you're always stand out to be unthankful, or someone who doesn't put enough efforts to thank them for being such a wonderful creatures, who is so kind to provide you temporary place to stay.

And of course don't forget about rules: don't touch that, don't do that, don't speak that loud, or don't speak that quiet - don't behave like this, don't do this, don't go to this room, do this exactly how I do, do that or do this, you're doing this incorrectly, you must learn how to do this if you're wishing our support, pay this, pay that - because you're already grown up! You're not our family member anymore, we all know that inside - you are just someone who have had divided from the family initially, that's why we are so unwelcoming you, that's why we're showing you how much your disruption. You're not thankful at all! We're put so much efforts to make you independent, and now you dare to come back! How dare you are! How you dare?

Well that's embarrassing...

Okay maybe I'm exaggerating most of the moments. Maybe I'm underestimating some of things you face. One thing is for sure - hippocricy, imperfectivity, unefficience is eweryhwere....

Hipnomatizing you....

The most interesting omegle talk about Bitcoin

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
You: female here
You: wbu?
You: where are you from?
You: hello!
Stranger: hi
You: nice
Stranger: 23m
You: great
Stranger: whats up
You: awesome
You: I'm from Moscow
You: my name is Tanya
You: what about you, where are you from?
Stranger: Im from india
You: 17f
You: Great
You: from which city?
You: in India
Stranger: Have you been to india?
Stranger: Banglore
You: nope
Stranger: ok..what do you do
You: can I ask you a professional question - does people in Banglore purchase used phones, furniture, tables or other stuff like that?
You: any used stuff
You: does they purchase it?
You: is it pretty popular to sell your own things through classifieds?
Stranger: of course there are so many
You: what web-site do you use if you want to find something used
You: or you're purchasing only new stuff? ^_^ :D
Stranger: olx for old
You: is it popular?
You: can you find there everything you need?
You: or sometimes you need to go to other places?
Stranger: yes its popular
You: 99% of users uses that?
You: or 60% or 30%?
You: what about craigslist
You: does they use craigslist?
You: or not?
Stranger: no
You: freedom
You: :D
You: cool
You: lets remember what we've purchased last time
You: what did you purchased ?
You: I've purchased an old backpack
You: which was pretty much lame
You: what is your are of expertise may I ask?
You: is there any thing which you can do better than anybody else?
Stranger: used backpack? why dont you go for new one?
You: because I had no money :)
Stranger: hm
Stranger: are you a srudent? or you job or something?
You: I've graduated, working now
You: part-time
Stranger: whats your major?
You: economics
You: wbu
You: statistical analysis
Stranger: i am studying masters in computers
Stranger: ok
You: what is your favorite topics?>
You: on computers
Stranger: you like traveling ?
Stranger: programing
You: what is your ideas
You: did you got any?
Stranger: means?
You: lke what yor plamnning to accopmlish next month
You: year
You: etc
You: by using ur skills
You: specificly
Stranger: i want establish my own company
You: alreadyahve an elevator pitch? :)
Stranger: nope should start from foundation level
You: at least what is your ideas? :)
You: for the company
You: why your company gonna succed
You: what is your audience, technology and core ideas?
Stranger: i want to provide safe secure and chep banking software
You: ooooohmygutt!!
You: cool
You: :D
You: now that's really awesome!!!
You: sounds really fascinating
Stranger: do you use ATM?
You: yes
You: in fact ive got 20 credit cards :P
Stranger: in my plan no need to use card
You: 5 of them are loans
You: what they will be using?
Stranger: simple mobile sms is enough for every think
Stranger: thing*
You: ohmygittttuittt
You: so simple!
Stranger: yeah
You: oahoaho
You: that is a wonderful idea!~
Stranger: but it takes some time to implement
You: why are people so stupiiiid!!
You: sms is so simple why they need plastic!!!@@!!!
You: okay may I have a question
You: what do you think about Bitcoin?
You: is it future or what
Stranger: i dont have good opinion on that
You: why
Stranger: noticed few issues
You: what issues?
Stranger: its virtual
You: what's wrong with it?
Stranger: not controlled by central
You: it must be controlled?
You: don't you think it is advantage?
You: I thought Bitcoin users appreciate the fact that they aren't controlled, isn't they?
You: do you need to be controlled to succeed?
You: does people need to be controlled to have success?
You: or money
You: does our paper cash is controlled?
Stranger: need to be controlled
You: why
You: criminals?
You: taxes?
You: pension funds?
You: charge-backs?
You: what's the reason?
You: did I mentioned everything?
You: what is your reason?
You: other specific reason?
Stranger: paper cash can be maintained secretly
Stranger: which is called black money
You: so that is advantage right?
You: or just a fact?
Stranger: is it a advantage?
You: are you Jewish? :D
You: well up to my opinion maybe it is advantage, because I don't like over-regulation
You: according to economy course - regulation policies always stood up against the free economy
You: and was always a burden to any kind of business
You: so you don't think that paper money / current e-currencies / credit-cards will be replaced by Bitcoin any sooner?
Stranger: what we can do with such money which not come in to account?
Stranger: i dont think so
You: well you can pay to purchase your food for example
You: without fee
You: you can create bank processing
You: make international transactions
You: pay for any other utilities and services
You: or in other words - you can use it as cash
You: nobody accepts it now, but I'm ready to do something to increase quantity of people accepting it
You: you know my mother lives in U.S.
You: in Utah state
You: and sometimes I send her Bitcoins
You: because its the cheapest way to transfer funds from Russia to U.S.
Stranger: you do all those with normal cards right?
You: without getting robbed by 10%
Stranger: oh
You: fee for international transfer
You: also if you'll continue - if you're talking about green technologies - 15megawatt - that how much currently is needed to maintain blockchain
You: that's versus hundreds and hundreds of megawatts consumed by PayPal, Visa and MasterCard services
You: currently its the most cost efficient way to produce money decentralized
You: also have you heard recently the political story about Ukraine
You: where Visa / MasterCard put the restriction on Russian Bank
You: as a response Vladimir Putin issued a law - to create a national Russian payment system
You: does it says something to you?
You: it means that sooner or later - you also can be pressurized by any financial authority
You: while you can't say the same about Bitcoin
You: where no authority can control
You: so isn't it an advantage? :D ;)
You: are you went to sleep?
Stranger: haha
Stranger: ya almost
Stranger: its 12 pm here
You: great
You: so don't national electronic accounts make you feel insecure?
Stranger: btw you have very good knowledge about money,btcoins etc
You: are you agree paying robbery taxes?
You: well all due to economics class ;)
You: my father paid extra money in University to visit additional classes
Stranger: oh
You: as an IT student you must know cryptography topic better than me
You: and must understand the benefits of bitcoins by now ;)
You: many people don't accept bitcoin because they feel like its too complicated
You: while its not!
You: you know let's compare - how much does it take for setting up gateway for accepting credit cards?
You: usually it takes around 5 hours of your extensive study and Googling + despair and agreeing on $150 setup fee if you're not American citizen (American citizens can use PayPal built-in options to accept money)
You: how much it takes to start accepting Bitcoins automatically? 5 minutes - just sign up on and get your API receiving/payment confirmation implementation tutorial
You: and nobody dictates you whether your web-site should or shouldn't accept things
Stranger: ok
Stranger: tanya economic expert
Stranger: :P
You: haha
You: sounds good
You: tanya economic textpert ;)
You: or
You: tanya economic pervert ;D
Stranger: haha
You: wait a second, I'm getting pervy on omegle
Stranger: are you Russian by birth?
You: yes
You: I'm not Uzbek
You: right?
You: or what
You: don't sleep!
Stranger: ok
You: you can miss the whole life in front of you while you're sleeping!
You: we're loosing him, we're loosing him!!!
Stranger: not sleeping
You: ohohwohohowohaohoa
You: cool
You: let's make some gymnastics
You: just stand up
You: make some excercises :D
You: even though its night
You: well its almost night here too
Stranger: to avoid sleep?
You: yeah kinda
Stranger: oh then are you not sleepy?
You: by the way second domain name is real
Stranger: good talkative
You: what talkative is ? is that a skypelike software?
Stranger: no im saying you are talkative person
You: man I'm dying when I'm not expressing myself
You: but I'm not too much talkative
You: shouldn't man have to be more active in a wonderful speeches than a women?
You: ;D
You: or I'm missing the point?
Stranger: hmm
You: also what you can like about Bitcoin from your IT perspective
Stranger: well i dont talk too much in face i can say i am a good listner
You: is the fact that once you've got a setup for payment gateway
You: it works permanently
You: and it will work 100 years from now
You: doesn't it fascinating?!?!?!?!
You: can you imagine? You've setup donation web-site, and it works 100 years and 1000 years and donations are keep coming!!!
You: because nobody can stop transactions
You: and nobody have any reasonable reason to stop mining bitcoins (and mining bitcoins is a doing another steps in transaction histories)
Stranger: yeah
You: because everybody want to gather bonuses from operational moments of payment system
You: and the fact that bonuses are virtual and paid in bitcoins (bitcoin distribute commision bonuses for miners automatically)
Stranger: today i got lot of info about bit coin
You: also the fact that cryptography is the most stable defense thing you can trust to -> remember that you can't trust to paper, because it can be counterfeited -> remember you can't trust electronic payment systems, because they aren't backed by cryptography
You: but you can trust Bitcoin algorhythms which by the way is OPEN SOURCE, MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
You: sudden turn, right? :D:D:D:

Bitcoin conversation

Stranger: Banglore
You: nope
Stranger: ok..what do you do
You: can I ask you a professional question - does people in Banglore purchase used phones, furniture, tables or other stuff like that?
You: any used stuff
You: does they purchase it?
You: is it pretty popular to sell your own things through classifieds?
Stranger: of course there are so many
You: what web-site do you use if you want to find something used
You: or you're purchasing only new stuff? ^_^ :D
Stranger: olx for old
You: is it popular?
You: can you find there everything you need?
You: or sometimes you need to go to other places?
Stranger: yes its popular
You: 99% of users uses that?
You: or 60% or 30%?
You: what about craigslist
You: does they use craigslist?
You: or not?
Stranger: no
You: freedom
You: :D
You: cool
You: lets remember what we've purchased last time
You: what did you purchased ?
You: I've purchased an old backpack
You: which was pretty much lame
You: what is your are of expertise may I ask?
You: is there any thing which you can do better than anybody else?
Stranger: used backpack? why dont you go for new one?
You: because I had no money :)
Stranger: hm
Stranger: are you a srudent? or you job or something?
You: I've graduated, working now
You: part-time
Stranger: whats your major?
You: economics
You: wbu
You: statistical analysis
Stranger: i am studying masters in computers
Stranger: ok
You: what is your favorite topics?>
You: on computers
Stranger: you like traveling ?
Stranger: programing
You: what is your ideas
You: did you got any?
Stranger: means?
You: lke what yor plamnning to accopmlish next month
You: year
You: etc
You: by using ur skills
You: specificly
Stranger: i want establish my own company
You: alreadyahve an elevator pitch? :)
Stranger: nope should start from foundation level
You: at least what is your ideas? :)
You: for the company
You: why your company gonna succed
You: what is your audience, technology and core ideas?
Stranger: i want to provide safe secure and chep banking software
You: ooooohmygutt!!
You: cool
You: :D
You: now that's really awesome!!!
You: sounds really fascinating
Stranger: do you use ATM?
You: yes
You: in fact ive got 20 credit cards :P
Stranger: in my plan no need to use card
You: 5 of them are loans
You: what they will be using?
Stranger: simple mobile sms is enough for every think
Stranger: thing*
You: ohmygittttuittt
You: so simple!
Stranger: yeah
You: oahoaho
You: that is a wonderful idea!~
Stranger: but it takes some time to implement
You: why are people so stupiiiid!!
You: sms is so simple why they need plastic!!!@@!!!
You: okay may I have a question
You: what do you think about Bitcoin?
You: is it future or what
Stranger: i dont have good opinion on that
You: why
Stranger: noticed few issues
You: what issues?
Stranger: its virtual
You: what's wrong with it?
Stranger: not controlled by central
You: it must be controlled?
You: don't you think it is advantage?
You: I thought Bitcoin users appreciate the fact that they aren't controlled, isn't they?
You: do you need to be controlled to succeed?
You: does people need to be controlled to have success?
You: or money
You: does our paper cash is controlled?
Stranger: need to be controlled
You: why
You: criminals?
You: taxes?
You: pension funds?
You: charge-backs?
You: what's the reason?
You: did I mentioned everything?
You: what is your reason?
You: other specific reason?
Stranger: paper cash can be maintained secretly
Stranger: which is called black money
You: so that is advantage right?
You: or just a fact?
Stranger: is it a advantage?
You: are you Jewish? :D
You: well up to my opinion maybe it is advantage, because I don't like over-regulation
You: according to economy course - regulation policies always stood up against the free economy
You: and was always a burden to any kind of business
You: so you don't think that paper money / current e-currencies / credit-cards will be replaced by Bitcoin any sooner?
Stranger: what we can do with such money which not come in to account?
Stranger: i dont think so
You: well you can pay to purchase your food for example
You: without fee
You: you can create bank processing
You: make international transactions
You: pay for any other utilities and services
You: or in other words - you can use it as cash
You: nobody accepts it now, but I'm ready to do something to increase quantity of people accepting it
You: you know my mother lives in U.S.
You: in Utah state
You: and sometimes I send her Bitcoins
You: because its the cheapest way to transfer funds from Russia to U.S.
Stranger: you do all those with normal cards right?
You: without getting robbed by 10%
Stranger: oh
You: fee for international transfer
You: also if you'll continue - if you're talking about green technologies - 15megawatt - that how much currently is needed to maintain blockchain
You: that's versus hundreds and hundreds of megawatts consumed by PayPal, Visa and MasterCard services
You: currently its the most cost efficient way to produce money decentralized
You: also have you heard recently the political story about Ukraine
You: where Visa / MasterCard put the restriction on Russian Bank
You: as a response Vladimir Putin issued a law - to create a national Russian payment system
You: does it says something to you?
You: it means that sooner or later - you also can be pressurized by any financial authority
You: while you can't say the same about Bitcoin
You: where no authority can control
You: so isn't it an advantage? :D ;)
You: are you went to sleep?
Stranger: haha
Stranger: ya almost
Stranger: its 12 pm here
You: great
You: so don't national electronic accounts make you feel insecure?
Stranger: btw you have very good knowledge about money,btcoins etc
You: are you agree paying robbery taxes?
You: well all due to economics class ;)
You: my father paid extra money in University to visit additional classes
Stranger: oh
You: as an IT student you must know cryptography topic better than me
You: and must understand the benefits of bitcoins by now ;)
You: many people don't accept bitcoin because they feel like its too complicated
You: while its not!
You: you know let's compare - how much does it take for setting up gateway for accepting credit cards?
You: usually it takes around 5 hours of your extensive study and Googling + despair and agreeing on $150 setup fee if you're not American citizen (American citizens can use PayPal built-in options to accept money)
You: how much it takes to start accepting Bitcoins automatically? 5 minutes - just sign up on and get your API receiving/payment confirmation implementation tutorial
You: and nobody dictates you whether your web-site should or shouldn't accept things
Stranger: ok
Stranger:  economic expert
Stranger: :P